April 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge
3. Invocation or Inspirational Remarks (Trustee Ann Williams)
4. Board Recognitions
5. Superintendent Report (Dr. Anthony Mays, Alief ISD Superintendent)
6. Public Comments on Posted Agenda Items
7. Donation Report (Dee Jones, Business and Community Partner
8. Reports (Information Only. No discussion at the meeting unless requested by a board
member). |
8.1. Construction Summary Report (Charles Woods, Deputy
Superintendent of Business) Board Goal: # 3 Alief ISD will maintain a safe and orderly environment.
8.2. Disbursement Report (Charles Woods, Deputy Superintendent of
Business) Board Goal: #5 Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders. |
8.3. Financial Activity Report (Charles Woods, Deputy Superintendent of
Business) Board Goal: #5 Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders.
8.4. Tax Collection Report (Charles Woods, Deputy Superintendent of
Business) Board Goal: #5 Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders. |
8.5. Quarterly Investment Report (Charles Woods, Deputy Superintendent
for Business Services) Board Goal #5 Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders.
9. Consent Agenda
9.1. Consider Approval of New Hires (Elizabeth Veloz-Powell, Deputy
Superintendent of Human Resources) Board Goal: #4 Alief ISD will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel. |
9.2. Consider Approval of Resignation Report (Elizabeth Veloz-Powell,
Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources) Board Goal: #4 Alief ISD will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel.
9.3. Consider Approval of New Administrator (Elizabeth Veloz-Powell,
Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources) Board Goal: #4 Alief ISD will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel. |
9.4. Consider Approval of Teacher Contract Recommendations (Elizabeth
Veloz-Powell, Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources) Board Goal: #4 Alief ISD will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel.
9.5. Consider Approval of Administrator Contract Recommendations
(Elizabeth Veloz-Powell, Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources) Board Goal: #4 Alief ISD will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel. |
9.6. Consider, Discuss, and Potentially Act on the Administration’s
Recommendation to Terminate the Probationary Contract of a Teacher at Olle Middle School at the End of the Contract School Year in the Best Interest of the District (Elizabeth Veloz-Powell, Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources) Board Goal: #4 Alief ISD will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel. |
9.7. Consider approval of designating method of procurement for Ag
Science Center project in 2021 Bond Referendum to be Construction Manager at Risk (Charles Woods, Deputy Superintendent of Business) Board Goal: #5 Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders. |
9.8. Consider Approval of Budget Amendments (Charles Woods, Deputy
Superintendent of Business Services ) Board Goal #5: Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders.
9.9. Consider Approval of CSP #2411-LED Video Scoreboard at Crump
Stadium (Charles Woods, Deputy Superintendent of Business Services) Board Goal #5: Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders. |
9.10. Consider Approval of Proclamation 2024 Instructional Materials
Adoption (Charles Woods, Deputy Superintendent of Business Services) Board Boal #5: Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders.
9.11. Consider and Approve an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Alief
Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2024; Setting Certain Parameters for the Bonds; Authorizing the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent for Business to Approve the Amount, the Interest Rate, Price, including the terms thereof and certain other procedures and provisions related thereto. (Charles Woods, Deputy Superintendent for Business Services) Board Goal #3: Alief ISD will maintain a safe and orderly environment. |
9.12. Consider and Approve Resolution Terminating Paying Agent/Registrar relationships with all stakeholders. |
9.13. Consider Approval of Remote Homebound Instruction Waiver for
identified Special Education Students (Kathleen Jahn, Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction) Board Goal:#1 Alief ISD will close the achievement gap to ensure all students reach their academic potential. |
9.14. Consider Approval of the “Low Attendance Days” waiver application
to exclude attendance for campuses this school year. (Kathleen Jahn, Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction) Board Goal #1 Alief ISD will close the achievement gap to ensure that all students reach their academic potential. |
9.15. Consider Approval of the Harris County Juvenile Justice Education
Program (JJAEP) MOU Contract for the 24-25 School Year (Dr. Julia Andrews, Chief of Staff) Board Goal:#1 Alief ISD will close the achievement gap to ensure all students reach their academic potential.
10. Non-Consent Agenda
10.1. Budget Presentation and Discussion 2024-2025 (Charles Woods,
Deputy Superintendent of Business Services) Board Goal: #5 Alief ISD will continue to build positive relationships with all stakeholders. |
11. Board and Committee Reports
Reports and comments from board members regarding meetings and conferences attended, including board committee meetings; schools visited; community and district activities; new initiatives; education programs; and continuing education. The items may be discussed, but no final action will be taken on these items at this meeting. |
12. Closed Executive Session
12.1. Deliberate the duties, responsibilities, employment, and dismissal of personnel
(Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.074) |
12.2. Deliberate the duties and responsibilities of the Board and Superintendent
(Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.074) |
12.3. Consult with District’s attorneys on any subjects or matters authorized by law,
including any matter listed on this meeting notice/agenda, pending or contemplated litigation, and proposed settlements (Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.071) |
13. Adjournment