September 22, 2008 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome
4. Public Comments/Audience Participation
5. Above and Beyond Awards
6. Presentation by Mount Pleasant High School
7. Minutes
7.A. Public Hearing - August 25, 2008
7.B. Regular Meeting - August 25, 2008
8. Education
8.A. Overnight trips
8.A.1. Cosmetology - Hair Show - Dallas - October 25-27, 2008
8.B. Tuition Agreement with Harts Bluff ISD for Grades 9-12.
9. Business
9.A. Financial Report for August 2008
9.B. Review of Investment Policy
9.C. Resolution Stating Review of Investment Policy, Investment Strategies, and Designation of Investment Officer
9.D. Resolution Approving Investment Training and Investment Officers
9.E. Quarterly Investment Report
9.F. 457 Plan Agreement
10. Bids and Quotes
10.A. Technology Hardware Purchase
11. Reports
11.A. Superintendent's Report
11.A.1. Construction Update
11.A.2. Enrollment / Attendance Report
11.A.3. DAEP Report
11.B. Child Development Center News
12. Future Meetings
12.A. Regular Meeting - October 27, 2008 - 5:30 p.m. - CSS Board Room
12.B. 2008-2009 Meeting Date Changes
12.C. 2008-2009 Meeting Schedule
13. Personnel
13.A. Personnel Recommendations
14. Adjournment