April 28, 2008 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome
4. Public Comments/Audience Participation
5. Recognition of Student Achievements
6. Above and Beyond Awards
7. Presentation by Annie Sims Elementary School
8. Minutes
8.A. Special Meeting - March 24, 2008
8.B. Regular Meeting - March 24, 2008
9. Education
9.A. Resolution Authorizing a Joint Election Agreement between Mount Pleasant Independent School District and Titus County Fresh Water District
9.B. LEP Summer School Schedule
9.C. Texas Educator Excellence Grant (TEEG) Cycle III - P. E. Wallace
9.D. Texas Educator Excellence Grant (TEEG) Cycle III - Mount Pleasant High School
9.E. District Awards for Teacher Excellence (DATE) Plan
9.F. Overnight trips
9.F.1. UIL - Regional Academic Meet - Denton, TX - April 11-12, 2008
9.F.2. Golf Team - Regional Golf Meet - Denton, TX - April 20-22, 2008
9.F.3. Boys and Girls Track Team - Regional Track Meet - Denton, TX - April 25-26, 2008
9.F.4. UIL - State Academic Meet - Austin - May 2-3, 2008
9.F.5. Ready, Set, Teach! - Observe 5 Campuses and 3 Universities - New York - May 4-8, 2008
9.F.6. MPHS Band - Texas State Solo And Ensemble Contest - Austin - May 23-25, 2008
9.F.7. MPHS Cheer - National Cheerleaders Association Camp - SMU - June 9-12, 2008
9.F.8. MPHS Tiger Dolls - Camp - Dallas, TX - June 13-16, 2008
9.F.9. SkillsUSA - National Contest - Kansas City, KS - June 22-28, 2008
9.F.10. FBLA - National Leadership Convention - Atlanta, GA - June 24-30, 2008
10. Business
10.A. Financial Report for March 2008
10.B. Education Broadband Service Long-Term Lease Agreement
11. Bids and Quotes
11.A. CSP # 336-09 Instructional Materials
11.B. CSP # 337-09 Groceries / Catering
11.C. CSP # 338-09 Maintenance and Transportation Supplies
11.D. CSP # 339-08 Uniform Cleaning
11.E. RFP # 340-08 Chain Link Fence - High School Campus
11.F. CSP # 342-08 General Contractor / Toilet Facility - Jr. High School
12. Reports
12.A. Superintendent's report
12.B. Preliminary TAKS Results
13. Future Meetings
13.A. Regular Meeting - May 19, 2008 - 5:30 P.M. - CSS Board Room
14. Personnel
15. Adjournment