November 26, 2007 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome
4. Public Comments/Audience Participation
5. Above and Beyond Awards
6. Presentation of Gold Performance Awards
7. Presentation to the Board - Mount Pleasant High School Year Book Staff
8. Presentation by Vivian Fowler Elementary School
9. Minutes
9.A. Regular meeting October 22, 2007
10. Education
10.A. Overnight trips
10.A.1. MPHS Girls' Basketball/Lufkin Tournament/December 27-29
10.A.2. MPHS Boys' Varsity Basketball/Garland Tournament/November 29-December 1
10.A.3. MPHS Band/Four States Bandmasters Honor Band Clinic and Concert/January 10-12
10.A.4. MPHS Band/Spring Band Trip to DisneyWorld/March 14-19
10.A.5. 3rd and 4th Grade GT Students/Sky Ranch in Van, TX/May 7-9
10.B. Early release and proposed schedule
10.C. Consideration to participate in the NTCC GEAR UP grant as a partner district.
10.D. Addition to list of Certified Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers
11. Business
11.A. Financial Report for October 2007
11.B. Resolution to cast votes to elect directors for the Titus County Appraisal District for 2008-2009.
11.C. Proposals for Property Casualty Insurance for the 2007-2008 school year.
11.D. Resolution for Energy Consumption Reduction Plan
11.E. Educational Broadband Service Long-Term Lease Agreement
12. Bids and Quotes
12.A. Bid #330-08 Pave Pavilion at CDC
12.B. Bid #331-08 Mobile Computer Cart/ 24 Laptops for High School
13. Reports
13.A. Superintendent's Report
13.A.1. Construction Update
13.B. Early Reading First Newsletter
14. Future Meetings
14.A. Regular meeting December 17, 2007, 5:30 pm, CSS Board Room
15. Personnel
15.A. Personnel Recommendations
16. Adjournment