January 23, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
CALL TO ORDER and an announcement by the president that a notice of the meeting has been posted in a manner required by law, and that a quorum is present.
II. Closed Meeting from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
III. Reconvene from Closed Meeting 7:00 pm
IV. Pledge and Invocation
IV.A. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
IV.B. Invocation will be given by Dr. Larry Gerhart, Principal, Lomax Junior High.
V. Board Recognitions
V.A. School Board Recognition
VI. Public Comments
The Board will now hear those who wish to make comments and who have completed and returned the Public Comment Participation Request. This section will be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and Board Policy. Complaints and concerns, for which other resolution channels are provided, shall be directed through those channels.
VII. Reports
VII.A. Superintendent's Report
VII.A.1. Administrative Cost Ratio Report
Rhonda Cumbie, Chief Financial Officer
VIII. Receive 2016-2017 Texas Academic Performance Report
Dr. Linda Wadleigh, Deputy Superintendent
IX. Public Hearing on 2016-2017 Texas Academic Performance Report
Dr. Linda Wadleigh, Deputy Superintendent
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Determine and Approve any Consent Agenda Items.
X.B. Approve Board Minutes
X.B.1. Regular Board Meeting, December 12, 2017
X.B.2. Called Board Meeting, December 19, 2017
X.C. Receive Principals' Reports.
X.C.1. Bayshore Elementary
X.C.2. College Park Elementary
X.C.3. Heritage Elementary
X.C.4. Jennie Reid Elementary
X.C.5. La Porte Elementary
X.C.6. Leo A. Rizzuto Elementary
X.C.7. Lomax Elementary
X.C.8. James H. Baker Sixth Grade Campus
X.C.9. La Porte Junior High
X.C.10. Lomax Junior High
X.C.11. La Porte High School
X.C.12. Viola DeWalt High School
X.D. Receive Financial Reports for December 2017.
X.E. Receive Region 4 Board of Directors Notice of Election.
X.F. Approve Budget Amendment.
X.G. Approve Employment of Professional Staff.
X.H. Approve Second Reading and Adoption of TASB Local Policy Update for Policy CQ (LOCAL).
X.I. Approve Second Reading and Adoption of TASB Policy Update 109 Affecting Local Policies: BBE, CDA, CKC, CNA, CO, DF, DH, EHBAF, EJ, FEA, FFAA, FFF, FFI, GBAA, GKA, GKC, GKE.
X.J. Approve Receipt and First Reading of TASB Local Policy Update for Policy DNA (LOCAL).
X.K. Approve Receipt and First Reading of TASB Local Policy Update for Policy DK (LOCAL).
X.L. Approve Receipt and First Reading of TASB Local Policy Update for Policy DBA (LOCAL).
X.M. Approve Receipt, First Reading, Second Reading and Adoption of TASB Local Policy Update for Policies EB (LOCAL), EEB (LOCAL) and FO (LOCAL).
X.N. Approve Purchase of Athletic Weight Equipment for Renovations at La Porte High School Field House.
XI. Action and/or Discussion Items
XI.A. Approve the Weighted Criteria and Adopt a Resolution (No. 2018-01) that Accomplishes the Following: (1) Identifies the Construction Delivery Method of Competitive Sealed Proposal as Providing the Best Value for the District for La Porte High School's Loafing Barn Project and (2) Authorizes the Administration to work with the District's Architect and Legal Counsel and take all other Action Necessary to Advertise and Assist the Board in Selecting a Contractor for the Construction Under Texas Government Code Chapter 2269.
XI.B. Adopt a Resolution (No. 2018-02) for Compensation of Staff During the Ice Storm Closure January 16 and 17, 2018.
XI.C. Consider Final Change Order and Payment of Final Retainage for the James H. Baker Sixth Grade Campus Rebuild.
XI.D. Consider Nominating a Candidate for an Interim Position on the TASB Board Representing Region 4, Position C.
XI.E. Naming of La Porte ISD multi-purpose facility.
XII. Action on Closed Session Items
XIII. Adjournment