October 8, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
CALL TO ORDER and an announcement by the president that a notice of the meeting has been posted in a manner required by law, and that a quorum is present.
II. Closed Meeting from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
III. Reconvene from Closed Meeting 7:00 pm
IV. Pledge and Invocation
IV.A. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags.
IV.B. Invocation will be given by Ms. Danette Tilley, Principal, Lomax Junior High.
V. Board Recognitions
V.A. Student Recognitions
VI. Public Comments
The Board will now hear those who wish to make comments and who have completed and returned the Public Comment Participation Request. This section will be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and Board Policy. Complaints and concerns, for which other resolution channels are provided, shall be directed through those channels.
VII. Reports
VII.A. Superintendent's Report
VII.A.1. TEKS Resource System Update
Dr. Linda Wadleigh, Deputy Supt.
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Determine and Approve any Consent Agenda Items.
VIII.B. Receive Principals' Reports
VIII.B.1. Bayshore Elementary
VIII.B.2. College Park Elementary
VIII.B.3. Heritage Elementary
VIII.B.4. La Porte Elementary
VIII.B.5. Lomax Elementary
VIII.B.6. Reid Elementary
VIII.B.7. Rizzuto Elementary
VIII.B.8. Baker 6th Grade Campus
VIII.B.9. La Porte Junior High
VIII.B.10. Lomax Junior High
VIII.B.11. La Porte High School
VIII.B.12. DeWalt Alternative School
VIII.C. Approve Employment of Professional Staff
VIII.D. Receive Financial Reports for September, 2013.
VIII.E. Approve Budget Amendments for October 2013, as presented.
VIII.F. Receive the 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan
VIII.G. Receive the 2013-2014 Campus Improvement Plans
VIII.H. Approve the response to the Charter School Statement of Impact Amendments submitted by The Beta Foundation dba Beta Academy and Casa Gracia dba Trinity Charter School.
VIII.I. Approve the proposal and purchase for Cafeteria Serving Lines, Equipment and Turn Key Installation.
VIII.J. Approve the participation in the Region 5 Food Service Cooperative Purchasing for Commodity Processing and Board Resolution #2013-30, regarding the same.
VIII.K. Approve the payment for Communities in Schools Partnership Agreement.
VIII.L. Receive Notice of Called Board Meeting on October 22, 2013
IX. Action and/or Discussion Items
IX.A. Approve extension of 60-days to the time period for Board action on Application of Linde Gas North America LLC for a Limitation on Appraised Value of Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes and Board Resolution #2013-28, regarding the same.
IX.B. Conduct Public Hearing on the creation of The Celanese Ltd. Reinvestment Zone Number Two pursuant to Texas Tax Code § 312.0025 and § 312.201.
IX.C. Conduct Public Hearing on the Application of Celanese Ltd. for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Property Tax Code.
IX.D. Adopt Board Resolution #2013-29, to create The Celanese Ltd. Reinvestment Zone Number Two pursuant to Texas Tax Code § 312.0025, in order to implement Application of Celanese Ltd. for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property, pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code.
IX.E. Approve Findings under the Texas Economic Development Act on the Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property submitted by Celanese Ltd.
IX.F. Approve Agreement for Limitation on Appraised Value of Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes with Celanese Ltd.
IX.G. Approve Board Resolution #2013-27, opposing as written the Biggert Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act.
IX.H. Approve Boundary Line Agreement and Special Warranty Deed to resolve the question as to the location of the common boundary line between property owned by La Porte ISD and an individual.
IX.I. Approve the Tax Collection Agreement with the City of La Porte.
IX.J. Review of Election Agreements with City of La Porte, City of Shoreacres, City of Morgan's Point and San Jacinto College.
IX.K. Preliminary Discussion and Consideration of Bond Proposal
X. Action on Closed Session Items
XI. Comments of Board and Superintendent
XII. Adjournment