July 26, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
CALL TO ORDER and an announcement by the president that a notice of the meeting has been posted in a manner required by law, and that a quorum is present.
II. Closed Meeting from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
III. Reconvene from Closed Meeting 7:00 pm
IV. Pledge and Invocation
IV.A. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags.
IV.B. Invocation will be given by Patty Herrerra-Johnson, Principal, Reid Elementary.
V. Board Recognitions
V.A. Student Recognition
VI. Public Comments
The Board will now hear those who wish to make comments and who have completed and returned the Public Comment Participation Request. This section will be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and Board Policy. Complaints and concerns, for which other resolution channels are provided, shall be directed through those channels.
VII. Reports
VII.A. Superintendent's Reports
VII.A.1. Senate Bill 100, Trustee Election Options
Lloyd W. Graham, Supt.
VII.A.2. Technology
Eddie Hill, Executive Director, Technology
VIII. Action on Closed Session Items
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Determine and Approve any Consent Agenda Items.
IX.B. Approve Board Minutes
IX.B.1. Regular Board Mtg., June 14, 2011
IX.B.2. Special/Workshop Mtg., June 28, 2011
IX.C. Approve Employment of Professional Staff
IX.D. Approve the 2011-2012 Compensation Plan
IX.E. Receive Financial Reports for June 2011
IX.F. Approve the Annual Review and District's Investment Training Provider Resolution
IX.G. Approve the Local Investment Policy, the Investment Officer Resolution, and the list of Authorized Broker/Dealers.
IX.H. Accept the Charter School Statement of Impact Amendment for Harmony School of Science.
IX.I. Approve a Credit Change Order from Tellepsen for the La Porte ISD Construction Package 2C San Jacinto College Center.
IX.J. Receipt of and First Reading of EHBB(Local) SPECIAL PROGRAMS: GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS as recommended by TASB Policy Services
IX.K. Approve the Second Reading and Adoption of TASB Board Policy Update 90, Policies BBD, BBI, CQ, CY, EI, FMH, FNC, and FNCE.
IX.L. Endorse Mr. Joe Adams, Position 4A and Mr. Manuel Guajardo, Jr., Position 4B as representatives on the TASB Board of Directors.
X. Action and/or Discussion Items
X.A. Approve the renewal for year three (3) of three (3) for Daycare Services with Ms. Litha's Double D Love Child Care.
X.B. Approve the 2011-2012 Harris County Community Youth Services Contract with Harris County on behalf of Harris County Protective Services for Children and Adults (HCPSCA).
X.C. Approve the purchase for support and maintenance of Cognos eLearning, eFinance, and eSchool systems from Sungard Pentamation Inc.
X.D. Approve extension of 90-day to the 151-day time period for Board action on Application of Arkema Inc. for a Limitation on Appraised Value of Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes.
XI. Comments of Board and Superintendent
XII. Adjournment