April 20, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
First Order of Business
Establish a Quorum
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of silence
District Website and Social Media Report
Report on District Fine Arts and Middle School Athletics Surveys
Superintendent Briefing
Monthly Financial Report
Public Comments
Discussion and Possible Action Items
Consent Agenda Items
MVISD Regular Board Meeting Minutes for March 26, 2020 and Called Meeting Minutes for April 9, 2020
Superintendent's Report on Budgeted Purchases Over $50,000
Consider Adoption of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2020-2021
Consider TASB Policy Review Agreement
Consider Revised Board Policy DEC (Local)
Consider Contract Change Order for the High School Remodel and Expansion to the Existing Performing Arts Center as Part of the 2019 Bond.
Consider Approval of Innovative Course Titled Agricultural Leadership, Research, and Communications
Consider Addition of CTE Courses for Patient Care Technician and Emergency Medical Service
Consider TEA Waiver for Educator Appraisals for 19-20 School Year
Budget Amendment(s)
Closed Session (if necessary)
Consider Personnel Matters (TX Govt. Code Section 551.074)
Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Resignation, and Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
Deliberation Regarding Real Property (TX Govt. Code Section 551.072)
Action as Appropriate After Closed Session
Consider professional employee contracts (new and/or renewals)
Consider Additional Staff Positions for the 2020-2021 School Year
Consider and take possible action to adopt a Resolution approving the purchase of two tracts of real property as follows and authorizing the Superintendent to act onbehalf of the Board in closing the transactions: A 26.00 acre tract of land, more or less, which is part of a 62.4 acre (2,716,735 square feet) tract of land out of the S.C. Craig Survey No. 13 ¾, Abstract No. 1077, County Block 4345 and the Clementine Bundick Survey No. 13 ½, Abstract No. 992, County Block 4325 situated in Bexar County, Texas; and A 42.466 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the S.C. Craig Survey No. 13 ¾, Abstract No. 1077, C. B. 4341 and the Clementine Bundick Survey No. 13 ½ , Abstract No. 992, C. B. 4325, Bexar County Texas.
Consider future meeting dates