October 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Establishment of Quorum
3. Open Forum
4. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
5. Payment of Bills/Financials
Should you have any questions over the financials, please contact our office before the meeting to discuss.
5.A. Budget Amendment
6. Informational Items:
6.A. November Board Meeting - Lott Elementary
6.B. School Board Training
6.C. NSLP Equipment Assistance Grant
6.D. RLISD Policy on Lice
7. Discussion/Action Items:
7.A. Consideration of Delinquent Tax Resolution and Contract
7.B. Nomination for Vacant Spot on Milam County District Appraisal Board
7.C. RLISD District Improvement Plan
7.D. Appointment of Diane Michalk to Calculate Effective Tax Rate
7.E. Agreement with Falls County for Collection & Assessment
7.F. Appoint Early Voting Clerk, Elections Administrator
8. Superintendent's Report
8.A. Quarterly Report to the Board
8.B. Enrollment Numbers
8.C. Sports Update
9. Discussion/Action Items: Personnel
10. Requests for Next Board Meeting Agenda Items
11. Adjournment