May 24, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Establish Quorum and Call to Order
2. Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
3. Reorganization of Board of Trustees
4. Open Forum
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
5.B. Payment of Bills/Financials
6. Reports/Discussion and Information Items:
6.A. A-F accountability affected by COVID & 2021 Spring scores that have been released.
6.B. Update on Footsteps to Brilliance.
Mr. Shaw
6.C. Discuss preliminary budget/budget workshops.
6.D. Dual credit report - took, passed and billed
7. Business Action Items:
7.A. Discuss and consider approval of TEKS certification.
7.B. Discuss and consider approval to authorize Superintendent for hiring staff in accordance with district policy, during the months of June and July.
7.C. Consider approval of Board Resolution extending depository contract with INCOMMONS Bank.
7.D. Consider approval of policy amendment to CE(LOCAL)
7.E. Discuss and consider approval for budget amendments.
Melissa Sims
7.F. Discuss and consider approval for a bid to install vapor sensors in all student bathrooms on high school campus.
Dr. Barton
7.G. Consider approval of District Salary increase.
7.H. Discuss and consider approval for technology, server and software, for the 2021-22 school year.
7.I. Consider approval for small Thomas bus.
7.J. Consider approval of Teacher Fund Allowance.
7.K. Consider approval of turf fields and budget implications for 2021-22.
8. Superintendent's Comments:
9. Closed Session:
9.A. Retirements
9.B. Resignations
9.C. Consider approval for teacher contract(s).
9.D. Consider approval for additional personnel requests at RLES.
9.E. Formative Superintendent evaluation and contract.
10. Requests for Next Board Meeting Agenda Items
11. Adjournment