March 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum, Call to Order
2. Adjourn to Closed Session (The Board may recess into Closed Session for purposes permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov’t Code Sections 551.001 et seq., 551.071(private consultation with attorney), 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, 551.0821, 551.083, 551.084, 551.086)
2.a. Consideration of New Teacher / Administrator Contracts
2.b. Personnel: Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal of Employees
2.c. Consideration and Approval of Administrator Contracts
2.d. Consideration and Approval of the Executive Director of Academics
2.e. Consideration and Approval of the Executive Director of Student Services
2.f. Consideration and Approval of the Director of Student Support and Intervention
2.g. Consideration and Approval of the Director of Instructional Technology and Libraries
2.h. Consideration and Approval of the Director of Elementary Academics
2.i. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Citation Number 24-0437-C425 State of Texas, County of Williamson-Texas Education Code 551.071
3. Return to Open Session and take action if needed on Closed Session items.
4. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
4.a. Led by Students from Veterans' Hill Elementary
5. Recite Vision and Mission Statement
6. District Recognitions
6.a. Hippos of the Month
6.b. Employees of the Month
6.c. Communications Department TSPRA (Texas School Public Relations Association) Awards
7. Public Comment: Audience with individuals or committees making a report or request. We will open the meeting to public comment. The Board welcomes the public and its comments. We ask you to refrain from comments about any District employees without proper due process. Each speaker will be allowed five (5) minutes to express his/her comments. Opinions expressed by speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Board of Trustees or the Administration.
8. Communication and Information Items
8.a. Reports
8.a.1) Board President Report
8.a.2) Superintendent Report
8.a.2)a) Information Items
8.a.2)a)1) Resignations
8.a.2)a)2) Retention Data
8.a.2)a)3) Enrollment Report
8.a.3) Associate Superintendent for Instruction & Innovation
8.a.3)a) Informational Presentations
8.a.3)a)1) April 8, 2024 Eclipse Plan
Brittany Swanson, Associate Superintendent of Instruction & Innovation, Henry Gideon, Asst Supt of Operations and Noelle Newton, Executive Director of Communications
8.a.3)a)2) New Enrollment Process
Caleb Steed, Chief Financial Officer, Brittany Swanson Associate Superintendent of Instruction & Innovation, and Noelle Newton, Executive Director of Communications
8.a.3)a)3) Special Education Audit
Brittany Swanson, Associate Superintendent of Instruction & Innovation, Cassandra Hulsey, Director of Special Education, and Krista Garcia, TCASE
8.a.4) Assistant Superintendent of Operations
8.a.4)a) Informational Items
8.a.4)a)1) Construction Update/Bond and Capital Improvement
8.a.5) Chief Financial Officer
8.a.5)a) Monthly Finance Report
9. Consent Agenda: The following items may be acted upon in one motion. No separate discussion or action is necessary unless requested by a Board Member, in which event items will be pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration
9.a. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
9.b. Purchases Greater than $50,000
9.b.1) Qualification of Electrical Services Vendors
9.b.2) Commissioning for Lee Martinez Elementary
9.b.3) Fencing for Farley Middle School and Kerley Elementary
9.b.4) Lee Martinez Elementary Roofing Consulting
10. Action Items
10.a. Consideration and Approval of the Proposed Personnel Requests
Dr. Cara Malone, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
10.b. Consideration and Approval of a Resolution Declaring Opposition to Proposed Texas Pollutant Application for Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0016462001eim
Henry Gideon, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
10.c. Consideration and Approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for Elementary #8
Henry Gideon, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
10.d. Consideration and Approval of the Site Permit Fees paid to the City of Hutto for Lee Martinez Elementary School
Henry Gideon, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
11. Board Calendar, Board Announcements and Requests for Future Agenda Items.
12. Adjournment