October 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
2. Welcome
3. Recognition - Doing More for 44
4. Discussion Period for Visitors to Address the Board About Agenda & Non-Agenda Items. Visitors are invited to comment using the following guidelines:
• Fill out a request form and hand it to the Board President. • The Board respectfully requests individuals to limit their comments to two (2) minutes per individual. There will be a twenty (20) minute maximum total length of time for discussion related to any one item and thirty (30) minutes overall maximum. • The Board President may also deny an individual the opportunity if the individual has previously addressed the Board on the same subject within the past two months. • The Board will not allow public comment regarding anything confidential and/or information that relates to any personnel or other issues of confidentiality. If any issues of confidentiality wish to be addressed to the Board of Education, it shall be done in writing to the Board President for a response. • The Board President will be responsible for making sure the guidelines are followed.
Discussion Period for Visitors to Address the Board About Agenda & Non-Agenda Items. Visitors are invited to comment using the following guidelines:
• Fill out a request form and hand it to the Board President. • The Board respectfully requests individuals to limit their comments to two (2) minutes per individual. There will be a twenty (20) minute maximum total length of time for discussion related to any one item and thirty (30) minutes overall maximum. • The Board President may also deny an individual the opportunity if the individual has previously addressed the Board on the same subject within the past two months. • The Board will not allow public comment regarding anything confidential and/or information that relates to any personnel or other issues of confidentiality. If any issues of confidentiality wish to be addressed to the Board of Education, it shall be done in writing to the Board President for a response. • The Board President will be responsible for making sure the guidelines are followed. |
5. Closed Session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, independent contractors, or specific volunteers of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
Closed Session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, independent contractors, or specific volunteers of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
6. Open Session
7. Approval of Consent Items
7.1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings:
Regular & Closed Session on September 17, 2024 |
7.2. Approve Personnel Matters including New Hires, Leave of Absence, Schedule B's, Club Sponsors, Tuition Reimbursements, IA Lane Movements, Resignations and Dismissals.
7.3. Accept the September 2024 Treasurer's Reports
7.4. Approve the October Financial Reports
7.5. Approve Payment of October Bills
8. Reports from the Superintendent
8.2. FOIA
8.2.1. FOIA: Lake County Gazette
8.2.2. FOIA - PDC30
A list of all paint projects scheduled to be completed calendar year 2024
No Responsive Documents to provide
8.3. Approve FYE2024 Shares Services Report
9. Board-Related, Including Unfinished Business and Future Agenda Items for Board Consideration
9.1. Approve 2nd Reading of Board Policy 4:150
9.2. Approve 1st Reading of Press Plus Issue 116
10. Adjournment