August 20, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Audience Comments – The Board cannot respond to non-agenda
Maximum Five
Minutes per Individual
3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
July Reports of Bills
Paid and Tax Collection Reports
3.C. Budget Amendment(s)
3.D. At-Will Employment of Karla Estrada, Victoria Huffman, Haylie Padilla, Hannah Pinnell, Abigail Ramirez, Daniela Santos, Doris Ann McKelroy, Kaylie Smith, Suyapa Mendez, Sandra Parker, Jimmie Davis, Sam Henderson, John Milligan and Lauren Richardson
3.E. Acknowledgement of the Superintendent's Approval of Doris Ann McKelroy and Lori Martin to Teach One Class Outside of Their Area of Certification for the 2018-2019 School Year, In Accordance with the District of Innovation Plan
3.F. Renewal of the TASB Risk Management Fund for Auto, Liability, Property and Unemployment Compensation Coverage for 2018-2019 for the Amount of $94,305.00
3.G. Revised Depository Authorization Resolutions for WHS, MMS and WES
3.H. Adopt the Resolution
for the Required Annual Review of Board Policy CDA(Local) – Investments
3.I. Adopt the Student
Transportation Management Hazardous Conditions Resolution for 2017-18 Identifying
Railroad Track Crossings, Highway 37 and Highway 515
as Hazardous Traffic Conditions
4. Information Reports
4.A. Recognition of Bryan Giguere Honorably Named to the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) 2018 Media Honor Roll
4.B. Presentation of the District's Texas Education Agency A-F Accountability System Ratings - Torri Miller
5. Items of New Business
5.A. Consider/Action on 2018-2019 Budget
5.B. Consider/Action on Adoption of 2018 Maintenance & Operations Tax Rate
5.C. Consider/Action on Adoption of 2018 Interest & Sinking Tax Rate
5.D. Consider/Action on Request to Change the District's Daily Per Diem Allowance and Travel Reimbursement Rate
6. Personnel
6.A. Consider/Action on Resignation of Jaime McGrew - WES
6.B. Consider/Action on Employment of Tanaya Dickens and Madison Hollingsworth - MMS
7. Superintendent Reports
7.A. Principal and Directors’ Reports
8. Adjournment