July 23, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Audience Comments - The board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum five minutes per individual.
4. School Bond Project Information
4.A. Construction Update Presented by Casey Beddingfield, RLM General Contractors
5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
5.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
5.B. June Reports of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
5.C. Budget Amendment(s)
5.D. At-Will Employment of Heather McDow, Stacy Mullinax, Karen Tate and Kasey Thomas
5.E. At-Will Termination of Danny Irick - Transportation/Custodial
5.F. Adopt the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Policy Update 111
5.G. Adopt the Proposed Additions/Revisions to the Following Texas Association of School Board Policies in Accordance with the District of Innovation Plan: AF(Local), DBA(Local), DCA(Local), DK(Local) and EB(Local)
5.H. Schedule Date for Public Hearing for the Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for August 20, 2018, at 6:45 p.m.
6. Information Reports
6.A. Recognition of Winnsboro High School Receiving the 2018 US News and World Report: America's Best High Schools Ranking Awards
6.B. Award Presentation - Susan Morton, Region VII Superintendent of the Year by Elizabeth Abernethy, Region VII Executive Director
7. Items of New Business
7.A. Consider/Action on Request to Accept The National School Shield Grant for the Amount of $57,399.00 for Access Control Projects
8. Personnel
8.A. Consider/Action on Reassignment of Kristie Amason to WHS Assistant Principal with a Change of Contract to an Eleven Month Certified Administrator Contract
8.B. Consider/Action on Reassignment of Pam Gambrel to WES Principal with a Change of Contract to a Twelve Month Certified Administrator Contract
8.C. Consider/Action on a Change of Contract for Brandi Putnam from a Ten Month to an Eleven Month Contract
8.D. Consider/Action on Resignations of Melissa Caddell - District-Wide Student Services Coordinator, Tammy Merdith-Cook - WES and LaNita Potter - MMS
8.E. Consider/Action on Employment of Melissa Brunson - WES, Sarah Sapugh and Shana Schneider - MMS; and Adriana Weems - District PEIMS and Communications Specialist
9. Superintendent Reports
9.A. Principal and Director's Reports
10. Adjournment
11. Call to Order
12. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
13. Audience Comments - The board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum five minutes per individual.
14. School Bond Project Information
14.A. Construction Update Presented by Casey Beddingfield, RLM General Contractors
15. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
15.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
15.B. June Reports of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
15.C. Budget Amendment(s)
15.D. At-Will Employment of Heather McDow, Stacy Mullinax, Karen Tate and Kasey Thomas
15.E. Schedule Date for Public Hearing for the Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for August 20, 2018, at 6:45 p.m.
16. Information Reports
17. Items of New Business
18. Personnel
18.A. Consider/Action on Resignations of Melissa Caddell - District-Wide Student Services Coordinator, Tammy Merdith-Cook - WES and LaNita Potter - MMS
18.B. Consider/Action on Employment of Melissa Brunson - WES, Sarah Sapugh and Shana Schneider - MMS; and Adriana Weems - District PEIMS and Communications Specialist
19. Superintendent Reports
19.A. Principal and Director's Reports
20. Adjournment