September 19, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Audience Comments
The Board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum Five Minutes per Individual
4. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
4.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
4.B. August Reports of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
4.C. 2010-2011 Budget Amendment(s)
4.D. 2010-2011 Final Amended Budget
4.E. 2011-2012 Budget Amendment(s)
4.F. At-Will Employment of Jennifer Allen and Mary Lois Nittmo – WES Aides, and Mellissa Presley – Custodial
4.G. Approve by Resolution the Annual Request by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service for the Wood County Adjunct Faculty Appointment and the Extracurricular Status of the Wood County 4-H Club for 2011-2012
4.H. Approve Interlocal Agreement with Wood County for the Collection of 2011 School Property Taxes for the Amount of $14,704.00
4.I. Certify 2011 Tax Levy Roll
4.J. Revised Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Policy
4.K. House Bill 2038 State Mandated Concussion Oversight Team and Return to Play Protocol
4.L. Nominate Dan Strickland as a Candidate for the Board of Directors for the Wood County Appraisal District
4.M. Accept the $500 Donation from the American Legion Post #340 to the Elementary School
5. Superintendent Reports
5.A. WHS Students of the Month
5.B. Kudos for Kids
6. Adjournment