June 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Audience Comments - The board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum five minutes per individual.
4. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
4.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
4.B. May Reports of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
4.C. At-Will Termination of Caryn Mahoney – WES Aide
4.D. Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Policy Update 90
4.E. Revised Depository Authorization Resolutions for Middle School and Elementary School
4.F. Renew the Student/Athletic Insurance Contract for 2011-2012 to Gentry Financial Group for the Texas Value Plan for the Amount of $21,500.00, the Catastrophic Coverage for the Amount of $1,418.00, and the Voluntary Plan for the Amounts
of $95/$165/$9 |
4.G. Renewal of Claims Administrative Services, Inc. Workers’ Compensation Agreement with Annual Premiums of Fixed Costs of $24,382.00 and Loss Fund Maximums of $82,142.00
4.H. Financial Audit Agreement from Arnold, Walker, Arnold & Company, P.C. for the Amount $16,915.00
5. Superintendent Reports
5.A. Southwest Consortium Annual Random Student Drug Testing Report for 2010-2011
6. Items of New Business
6.A. Consider/Action on Election of Board of Trustee Officers for 2011-2012
6.B. Consider/Action on Designation of Delegate and Alternate for the 2011 Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Delegate Assembly
6.C. Consider/Action on Proposed School Breakfast, Lunch and Milk Price Increases
6.D. Consider/Action on Request to Advertise for the Sale and Removal of the Two (2) Double Portable Buildings (A,B and C,D) Located on the South Side of the High School Parking Lot and Delegate Authority to Accept Bids to Superintendent Due to Time Constraints
7. Personnel
7.A. Consider/Action on Resignations of Eddie Olvera - WHS and Aimee Sweeden – WES
7.B. Consider/Action on Employment of Jennifer Basham - WHS
8. Adjournment