June 15, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Audience Comments
The Board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum Five Minutes per Individual
4. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
4.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
4.B. May Reports of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
4.C. At-Will Employment of Viv Spivey - WHS Aide
4.D. Award Cafeteria Bakery Prioduct Bid to Flowers Baking Co. and Ice Cream Bid to Bluebell Creameries for 2009-2010
4.E. Award Student/Athletic Insurance Contract for 2009 -2010 to Gentry Financial Group for the Texas Value Plan for the Amount of $22,900.00, the Catastrophic Coverage for the Amount of $1,418.00, and the Voluntary Plan for the Amounts of $75/$160/$8
4.F. Approve Financial Audit Agreement from Arnold, Walker, Arnold & Co., P.C. for the Amount of $15,565.00
4.G. Approve Renewal of Claims Administrative Services Workers Compensation Agreement for a 3-Year Plan with Annual Premiums of Fixed Costs, $22,135.00 and Loss Fund Maximums $71,590.00
4.H. Amend Depository Authorization Resolution Adding Karen Wheeler Pendergast Memorial Band Scholarship Account
4.I. Change the Regular July Board Meeting Date from July 20, 2009 to July 27, 2009 at 7:00 pm
5. Superintendent Reports
5.A. WHS Students of the Month
5.B. Energy Savings Report
Vince Drieling of Johnson Controls
6. Items of Unfinished Business
6.A. Consider/Action on 1994 Carpenter Bus Bid, VIN # R93948
7. Items of New Business
7.A. Consider/Action of Election of Board of Trustee
7.B. Consider/Action on Designation of Delegate and Alternate for the 2009 Texas Association of School Board (TASB) Delegate Assembly
7.C. Consider/Action on Permission to Purchase or Build a Special Ed Elementary School Double Classroom Portable Contingent upon Receipt of Federal Stimlulus Funds
8. Personnel
8.A. Consider/Action on Resignation of Board Member, Dr. Brent Wadle
8.B. Consider/Action on Employment of Monica Roberts
9. Adjournment