March 29, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Public Forum - The board reserves the right to limit the amount of time any one speaker can speak.
4. Facility Information
4.A. District Construction Update
4.B. Future Facility Projects
5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
5.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
5.B. February Reports of Bills Paid
5.C. Approve the Region VII Form, Certifying the Superintendent to the Regional Advisory Committee for 2022-2023
5.D. Approve the Annual Donation of $1,000.00 to the 2022 Project Graduation Committee for the Graduation Celebration
5.E. Change the Date of the Regular April Board Meeting from April 18, 2022, to April 25, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
6. Information Reports
6.A. Kudos for Kids
6.B. Financial Report - Emily Littlefield
6.C. ESSER Grant Program Financial Review - Emily Littlefield
6.D. WISD Education Foundation Update - Adriana Weems
7. Items of New Business
7.A. Consider/Action on Accepting the Estimate for the Intermediate School Roof Repair for the Amount of $274,939.13 from Coryell Roofing and Construction, Inc., a TIPS Co-Op Vendor
7.B. Consider/Action on Accepting the Bid and Adopting the Corporate Resolution for the Sale of the Property Located at South Chestnut Street, Lot 4A, Block P-2, Winnsboro, TX to John Gearner for the Amount of $2,750.00
7.C. Consider/Action on Approval to Submit a Grant Request to Texas Community Bancshares (TCBS)
7.D. Consider/Action on Request to Purchase Special Education SUV
8. Adjournment to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Section:
8.A. Discussion of Personnel
9. Reconvene to Open Session
10. Personnel
10.A. Consider/Action on Renewal of Professional Contracts for Term and Probationary Contract Employees for 2022-23
10.B. Consider/Action on Professional Employee Resignations
10.C. Consider/Action on Proposed ESSER III Funded Extra-Duty Pay for a Reading Academy Program Certificate of Completion for Elementary and Intermediate School Teachers and Principals
10.D. Consider/Action on Superintendent's Recommendation Regarding Employment of Professional Personnel
11. Superintendent Reports
11.A. Principal and Directors' Reports
12. Adjournment