July 15, 2019 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order:
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President-David Kaminski, Vice President-Joe Landin, Secretary-Michael W. Prince, Trustee-Bryan Lowe, Trustee-Maria Herrera, Trustee-Gary Buchanan, Trustee-Ronald Campbell |
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President Kaminski
2.A. Tex. Gov't Code Section 551.074: Discuss Resignations, Employment, Leaves of Absence, and Staff Transfers
2.B. Tex. Gov't Code Section 551.074: Deliberation Regarding Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Employee(s), Superintendent Duties Including Board Governance
2.C. Tex. Gov't Code Section 551.072: Discuss Future Possible Real Estate Transaction and Consultation Responsibilities; Deliberation Regarding Purchase, Exchange or Value of Real Property
2.D. Tex. Gov't Code Section 551.0821-551.082 : Discuss School Children; School District Employees; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint
2.E. Texas Govt Code Section 551.071 – consultation with Board attorney regarding all matters as authorized by law including S. Coffin and J. Jimenez v. Waller ISD, C.A. 4:18-cv-04023, in the Southern District of Texas.
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President Kaminski
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. & Texas Flag
President Kaminski
Prayer: Trustee Herrera
Pledges: Trustee Campbell Alternate: Trustee Prince
4. Recognitions
President Kaminski
5. Consent Agenda
President Kaminski
5.A. Resignations, Employment, Leaves of Absence, and Staff Transfers
5.B. Minutes: June 10, 2019 RCBM Minutes
5.C. Tax Refunds
5.D. Disbursements
5.E. Budget Change Request(s)
5.F. Janitorial Supplies and Equipment Vendor List for 2019-2020 School Year
5.G. Curriculum Department Purchase of Office Furniture for the Portable Buildings
5.H. Student Accident Insurance Renewal with Existing Carrier Greater East Texas Insurance Associates for 2019-2020
6. Regular Agenda
President Kaminski
6.A. Consider and Approve Order Calling School Building Bond Election; The Election shall be held for and within the District on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 (“Election Day”), in accordance with the Texas Election Code: Proposition. At the Election the following proposition, setting forth the purposes, the principal amount and the maximum maturity date for the bonds to be authorized, shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the District in accordance with law: WALLER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION
President Kaminski
6.B. Consider and Approve Resolution Expressing Intent to Finance Expenditures to be Incurred
Superintendent Moran
6.C. Consider and Approve Purchase of Approximately 28 Acres of Real Property near Waller High School for Future Campus or Other District Facilities and Delegate Authority to Superintendent Related to the Purchase
Superintendent Moran
6.D. Consider settlement in the matter of S. Coffin and J. Jimenez v. Waller ISD, C.A. 4:18-cv-04023, in the Southern District of Texas.
Superintendent Moran
6.E. TASB Official Delegate Designation and Alternate
President Kaminski
7. Information Items
President Kaminski
7.A. TASB Policy Update 113
Bennie Mayes and Angie Davis
7.B. Waller County Appraisal District Selection of Appraisal District Board Members
Mike Marcus
8. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President Kaminski
9. Future Board Items
President Kaminski
9.A. Student Handbook Revisions-August
9.B. T-TESS/T-PESS Appraisers 2019-2020-August
9.C. Designation of Representative Houston-Galveston Area Council 2020 General Assembly-September
President Kaminski
10. Important Dates
Kevin Moran
10.A. July 17-Waller ISD Administrative Workshop
10.B. July 29- WISD Board Member Team Training at 5:00 PM
10.C. August 5-District Registration
10.D. August 6-District Registration
10.E. August 6-New Staff Members Report
10.F. August 7-District Registration
10.G. August 12-Regular Board Meeting
10.H. August 12-All Staff Members Report
10.I. August 22-Waller ISD Community Pep Rally
10.J. August 26-First Day of School
11. Adjourn
President Kaminski