September 10, 2018 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Kaminski
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President-David Kaminski, Vice President-Ronald Campbell, Secretary-Bryan Lowe, Trustee-Gary Buchanan Trustee-Joe Landin, Trustee-Maria Herrera, and Trustee-Dr. Michael W. Prince
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President Kaminski
2.A. Discuss resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
2.B. 551.071 TX. Gov't Code: Consultation with Board attorney regarding all matters as authorized by law.
2.C. 551.074 TX Govt Code : Deliberation regarding appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of employee(s), Superintendent duties including Board governance
2.D. Discuss future possible real estate transaction and consultation responsibilities
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President Kaminski
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. & Texas Flag
Prayer: Trustee Lowe
Pledges: Trustee Campbell Alternate: Trustee Buchanan
3.B. Waller ISD Public Meeting to Discuss and Receive Public Comments on the 2018- 2019 Tax Rate
Mike Marcus
4. Recognitions
President Kaminski and Superintendent Moran
4.A. Summer 2018 Graduation Ceremony
Stephanie Fletcher
5. Consent Agenda
President Kaminski
5.A. Approve resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
5.B. Approve Minutes: SCBM August 27 and RCBM August 13
5.C. Approve tax refunds
5.D. Approve disbursements
5.E. Approve budget change request(s)
5.F. TASB Policy Update 111
5.G. Approve contract for Discovery Education Streaming
5.H. Approve Equipment and Supplies Management: Instructional Materials Care & Accounting – Sale and Disposal of Discontinued Instructional
5.I. Approve WISD Technology and Curriculum department purchase of interactive displays for classroom use throughout the district
5.J. Approve WISD Technology department purchase of Chromebook carts for classroom use throughout the district
5.K. Approve TTESS Appraiser
6. Regular Agenda
President Kaminski
6.A. Nominate and Approve the Houston-Galveston Area Council 2019 General Assembly Representative and Alternate
President Kaminski
6.B. Adopt and Approve the 2018-2019 property tax rate for Waller ISD be increased by the adoption of a rate of $1.44.
Mike Marcus
7. Information Items
President Kaminski
7.A. WISD accountability update
Kelly Baehren
7.B. TASB Draft Policy GKDA (local) and GKD (Local) update
Angie Davis and Bennie Mayes
8. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President Kaminski
9. Future Board Items
President Kaminski
9.A. WISD Department Plans-October
9.B. Class Size Exception Waivers-October
9.C. CIP/DIP Presentations-November
10. Important Dates
Kevin Moran
10.A. September 28-October 6-Waller County Fair
10.B. October 5-Student Staff/Staff Development/Elementary Parent Conferences
10.C. October 8-Regular Called Board Meeting
10.D. November 1-2-Student Holiday/Staff Development
10.E. November 12-Regular Called Board Meeting
10.F. November 19-23-Thanksgiving Holiday
11. Adjourn
President Kaminski