May 14, 2018 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Buchanan
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President-Gary Buchanan, Vice President-David Kaminski, Secretary-Joe Landin, Trustee-Bryan Lowe, Trustee-Ronald Campbell, Trustee-Koleen Garrett, and Trustee-Dr. Michael W. Prince
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President Buchanan
2.A. Discuss resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
2.B. 551.071 TX. Gov't Code: Consultation with Board attorney regarding all matters as authorized by law.
2.C. 551.074 TX Govt Code : Deliberation regarding appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of employee(s), including lone finalist, and superintendent contract
2.D. Discuss future possible real estate transaction and consultation responsibilities
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President Buchanan
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. & Texas Flag
Prayer: Trustee Landin
Pledges: Trustee Kaminski Alternate: President Buchanan
4. Recognitions
4.A. Name That Book 1st Place Teams
Mindy Peper, Colleen Dale, Dr. Brian Merrell
4.B. Roberts Road Elementary Student Council Earns National Elementary School Principal Association Award
Angie Davis
4.C. Waller High School UIL Academic State Qualifiers
Dr. Brian Merrell and Scotty Johnson
4.D. Waller High School Bands and Drumline Success
Grant McWilliams
4.E. FFA Area Accomplishments
Kevin Packman
4.F. Waller High School Japan Homestay Finalists
Dr. Brian Merrell
4.G. Waller High School Girls Track Advances to Regionals
Elijah Williams
4.H. Waller High School Tennis District Semi-Finals and District Honors
Amy Aschenbeck
4.I. Waller High School Boys Soccer District Honors
Juan Saldana
4.J. Waller High School Girls Soccer District Honors
Kyle Abshire
5. Consent Agenda
President Buchanan
5.A. Approve Resignations, Employment, Leaves of Absence, and Staff Transfers
5.B. Approve Tax Refunds
5.C. Approve Disbursements
5.D. Approve Budget Change Request(s)
5.E. Approve Awards & Commemorative Products (Catalog Proposal), Special Education Supplies & Equipment (Catalog Proposal), Athletic Supplies & Equipment (Catalog Proposal), First Aid/Medical Supplies & Equipment (Catalog Proposal)
5.F. Approve the IT department purchase of 40 laptops and docking stations for the new incoming 2018-2019 School year staff.
5.G. Approve Blackboard Website Contract (Renewal)
5.H. Approve WISD Transportation Purchase of a New Wrecker
5.I. Consider and Approve WHS Course: CTE Robotics 1
6. Regular Agenda
President Buchanan
6.A. Consider and Approve the Contract with Post Oak Securities as the Waller ISD Financial Adviser
Mike Marcus, Terrell Palmer, Francine Stefan
6.B. Consider and Approve the Contract with Vaughn Construction for Repair/Replace Underground Chill and Hot Water Piping at Waller High School
Guy Thomas, James McGee, and Mike Marcus
6.C. Consider and Approve the Easement Contract with Magellan LLP
Mike Marcus
6.D. Consider Alternative Local Graduation Requirement-Policy EIF
Kelly Baehren
6.E. Consider Resignation and Contract Amendment for Superintendent of Waller ISD
President Buchanan
6.F. Consider Naming Lone Finalist for Superintendent of Schools in Waller ISD
President Buchanan
6.G. Consider Official Canvass of the 2018 School Board Election and Recognition of Outgoing Trustee, and Swear in of Trustees and Oath of Office
President Buchanan
7. Information Items
President Buchanan
7.A. Instructional (Catalog Proposal), Library(Catalog Proposal), Maintenance (Catalog Proposal), Landscape Maintenance (Catalog Renewal)
8. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President Buchanan
9. Future Board Items
President Buchanan
9.A. Board of Trustee Officer Reorganization-June
9.B. Set Board Team Building Training Date-June
9.C. Student Handbook Revisions for the 2018-2019 School Year
Kevin Moran
9.D. Adopt the 2018-2019 School Year Budget-August
9.E. Adopt the 2018-2019 Tax Rate August-/September
10. Important Dates
Danny Twardowski
10.A. May 17-Senior Awards Night 7:00 PM
10.B. May 18-Senior Cap n Gown Group Picture and Elementary Walks
10.C. May 18-Prom–Berry Center 8:00 PM-12:00 AM
10.D. May 21- WHS Senior Picnic (Location-TBA)
10.E. May 28-Student/Staff Holiday-Memorial Day
10.F. May 31-Last Day of School/Early Release
10.G. May 31-WISD End of Year Awards Ceremony 1:30 PM WHS Auditorium
10.H. June 2-WHS Graduation-2:00 PM Prairie View A&M/William "Billy" J. Nicks Building
10.I. June 4-Staff Professional Development Day
10.J. June 4-Summer Hours Begin: 7:00 AM- 5:00 PM (Monday-Wednesday) 7:00 AM-4:30 PM (Thursday)
10.K. June 5-Staff Professional Development Day
10.L. June 5-SCBM-6:00 PM Waller ISD Administration Building
10.M. June 6-Summer Program Begins
10.N. June 11-Regular Called Board Meeting
10.O. June 29-Summer Program Ends
10.P. July 2-6 WISD Buildings and Offices Closed
10.Q. July 16-Regular Called Board Meeting
11. Adjourn
President Buchanan