March 7, 2016 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Lowe
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President-Bryan Lowe, Vice President-Gary Buchanan, Secretary-Joe Landin, Trustee-Ronald Campbell, Trustee-Kim Parmer, Trustee-David Kaminski, and Trustee-Dr. Michael W. Prince
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President Lowe
2.A. Discuss resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
2.B. 551.071 TX. Gov't Code: Consultation with Board attorney regarding all matters as authorized by law.
2.C. 551.074 TX Govt Code : Deliberation regarding appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of employee(s)
2.D. Discuss future possible real estate transaction and consultation responsibilities
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President Lowe
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. & Texas Flag
Prayer: Trustee Parmer
Pledges: Trustee Landin Alternate: Trustee Lowe |
4. Recognitions
4.A. Santee Family for Selling Waller ISD the Property to Build H.T. Jones Elementary School
Danny Twardowski
4.B. Campus Teacher of the Year, Rookie Teacher of the Year, and Support Staff of the Year Recognitions-
Kelly Baehren and Principals
5. Consent Agenda
President Lowe
5.A. Approve Resignations, Employment, Leaves of Absence, and Staff Transfers
5.B. Approve Minutes: RCBM February 8, 2016
5.C. Approve Disbursements
5.D. Approve Budget Change Request(s)
5.E. Approve Tax Refunds
5.F. Approve Teacher Contracts Recommendations
5.G. Approve Request for Buses and Equipment to be Sold for Salvage
5.H. Approve Technology Department Purchase of Replacement Quantium DX14700 Duplication Solution.
5.I. Approve the Technology Department Purchase of an Additional Network Access Storage (NAS) Solution.
5.J. Approve the Technology Department Purchase and Installation of the Wireless Access Points.
5.K. Approve the Technology Department Purchase and Installation of the Main Distribution Facility Switches (MDF)
5.L. Approve the Special Services Department Request for Waller ISD to Enter Into a Contract for Services with Michelle Christoper, PhD.
5.M. Approve the Special Services Department Request for Waller ISD to Enter Into a Contract for Services with Therapy Consultants-Noreen Rojas.
5.N. Approve the Special Services Department Request for Waller ISD to Enter Into a Contract for Services with Accountable School Staffing-Yolanda Leon-Ruiz.
5.O. Approve Competitive Sealed Proposals as the Desired Delivery Method for Construction
5.P. Approve the Prevailing Wage Results
5.Q. Approve Waller High School Course Proposal: Personal Financial Literacy
6. Regular Agenda
President Lowe
6.A. Consider Certification of Unopposed Candidates: Position 3, Bryan Lowe and Position 4, Gary Buchanan
President Lowe
6.B. Cancel the May 7, 2016 Waller ISD Trustee Election
President Lowe
6.C. Consider 2016-2017 Pre-Kindergarten Waiver of 210 Minutes School Day
Kelly Baehren
6.D. Consider Contract to Purchase Property for H.T. Jones Elementary School
Danny Twardowski
7. Information Items
President Lowe
7.A. Gulf Coast Associations of School Board Meeting-March 29
Danny Twardowski
8. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President Lowe
9. Future Board Items
President Lowe
9.A. Student Handbook Revisions-May
9.B. Community & Student Engagement Evaluations-June
9.C. 2016 Summer Program Overview
10. Important Dates
Danny Twardowski
10.A. March 14-18-Student/Staff Holiday-Spring Break
10.B. March 25-Student/Staff Holiday-Good Friday
10.C. March 29-STAAR Test Administration Begins
10.D. April 1-2-Waller High School FFA Show & Sale
10.E. April 11-Regular Called Board Meeting
10.F. April 15-End of Fifth Six Weeks
10.G. April 16-Waller ISD Job Fair
10.H. April 30-Bulldog Bash (KC Hall, Hempstead)
10.I. May 7-Waller ISD Trustee Election
10.J. May 20-Prom
10.K. May 25-District Site Based Decision Making Committee Meeting
10.L. May 30-Student/Staff Holiday Memorial Day
10.M. June 1-Student Early Release/Staff Development
10.N. June 1-End of Sixth Six Weeks/Last Day of School
10.O. June 1-Waller ISD Staff End of the Year Award Ceremony-WHS Auditorium 1:30pm
10.P. June 2-Staff Development/Inclement Weather Day
10.Q. June 3-Staff Development
10.R. June 4-Waller High School Graduation
10.S. June 6-Begins Summer Hours/Summer Program Begins
10.T. June 22-District Site Based Decision Making Committee Meeting
10.U. July 4-8-Waller ISD Closed
10.V. Testing Calendar
11. Adjourn
President Lowe