September 10, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Kaminski
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President - David Kaminski, Trustee.- Louis Tucker, Secretary - Kim Parmer, Trustee - Joe Landin, Trustee - Bryan Lowe, Vice President - Michael W. Prince, and Trustee - Shaun Nelson
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President Kaminski
2.A. Discuss resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
2.B. 551.071 of the Texas Government Code: Consultation with Board Attorney regarding all matters as authorized by law
2.C. Review and Discuss Applications for Appointment of School Board Member
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President Kaminski
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the US & Texas Flag
Prayer: Trustee Parmer, Pledges: Trustee Lowe, Alternate: Trustee Prince
4. Board Recognitions
President Kaminski
4.A. Waller High School Graduate: Breanna Duncan
Dr. Brian Merrell
4.B. 2012 Gold Leadership Circle Award
Danny Twardowski
5. Consent Agenda
President Kaminski
5.A. Resignations, Employment, Leaves of Absence, and Staff Transfers
5.B. Board Meeting Minutes: August 13 and August 27
5.C. Disbursements
5.D. Budget Change Request(s)
5.E. Tax Refund(s) & Reports(s)
5.F. Staffing Request(s)
6. Regular Agenda
President Kaminski
6.A. Consider Approval of the 2012 Appraisal and Tax Roll
Mike Marcus
6.B. Consider and Adopt the 2012-2013 Tax Rate
Mike Marcus
6.C. Consider Parameter Sale: Consider and adopt an order authorizing the issuance of Waller Independent School District unlimited tax refunding bonds, series 2012, setting certain parameters for the bonds; authorizing the Superintendent and/or Assistant Superintendent of Finance to approve the amount, the interest rate, price, including the terms thereof; authorizing the redemption prior to maturity of certain outstanding bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of an escrow agreement and the subscription for and purchase of certain escrowed securities; and certain other procedures and provisions related thereto
Mike Marcus
7. Information Items
President Kaminski
7.A. Maximum Class Size Waiver
7.B. Enrollment Data Through September 10th
8. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President Kaminski
9. Future Board Items
President Kaminski
9.A. Waller ISD Public Hearing on Waller ISD's FIRST Rating - October
9.B. Campus Improvements Plans - October
9.C. WHS Course Selection Book 2013-2014 - November
9.D. Board Operating Procedure Manual and Code of Ethics
9.E. Waller High School Graduate: Juan Cortez - December
10. Important Dates
Danny Twardowski
10.A. September 26 - Student Early Release/Staff Development
10.B. October 5 - Student Holiday/Staff Development
10.C. October 8 - Regular Called Board Meeting
10.D. October 31 - Student Early Release/Staff Development
10.E. November 19-23 - Student/Staff Holiday - Thanksgiving Break
10.F. December 24-31, January 1-4 - Student/Staff Holiday - Winter Break
11. Adjourn
President Kaminski