August 8, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Kaminski
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President - David Kaminski, Vice Pres.- Louis Tucker, Secretary - Kim Parmer, Trustee - Joe Landin, Trustee Bryan Lowe, Trustee - Michael W. Prince, and Trustee - Shaun Nelson
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President Kaminski
2.A. Discuss resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
2.B. Discuss Pending Legal Action
2.C. Deliberation Regarding Real Property - 551.072
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President Kaminski
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Prayer: Trustee Lowe
Pledge: Trustee Landin Alternate: Trustee Nelson |
4. Consent Agenda
President Kaminski
4.A. Resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
4.B. Board Meeting Minutes: July
4.C. Disbursements
4.D. Budget Change Request(s)
4.E. Tax Refund(s) & Report(s)
4.F. Consider Staffing Requests
4.G. The Harris County JJAEP Mou (Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program Memorandum of Understanding) for 2011-2012
4.H. Out of District Transfer Report
4.I. Waller ISD Curriculum Department Credit Card
4.J. Board Resolution to Commit Fund Balance and Policy on GASB 54
4.K. Consider Emergency Interconnect Agreement With Houston Oaks/Terra Verde
Danny Twardowski
4.L. Presentation and Approval of an Extension to the Existing Depository Contract with Prosperity Bank and Waller ISD
4.M. Consider Mike Marcus, Tax Assessor/Collector for the Waller Independent School District, certification of 100% total collection rate for the 2011 year.
4.N. Consider and appoint Mike Marcus, Tax Assessor/Collector for the Waller Independent School District, to calculate and publish the school district's tax rate for the 2011 tax year.
4.O. 2011-2012 Waller ISD PDAS Appraisal Calendar and Appraisers
5. Regular Agenda
President Kaminski
5.A. Consider and Endorse a Nominated Individual From a Board Within Your TASB Region
President Kaminski
5.B. TASB Official Delegate Designation and Alternate - August
5.C. Set date and time for 2011 Board Team Building Training Workshop (September 12-15)
5.D. Change March and July Board Meeting Dates: March 12 to March 19 and July 9 to July 16
5.E. STARR Starting Points - Consider Policy Change
Kelly Baehren & Troy Mooney
5.F. Consider Adjustments to Real Property
6. Information Items
President Kaminski
6.A. Discussion on possible School Board Elections option with Waller County
Robyn German and Debbie Hollan
6.B. 2011-2012 Budget Update
Mike Marcus & Danny Twardowski
6.C. Leadership TASB Report
Kim Parmer
6.D. Sport Text Prep Presentation
Jason Morley
7. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President Kaminski
8. Future Board Items
President Kaminski
8.A. Adopt 2011-2012 Budget (August 29th Special Board Meeting)
8.B. Waller ISD School Environmental Steward Award: Presented by Energy Education, Dr. Leonard Merrell - October
8.C. Waller ISD Public Hearing on Waller ISD's FIRST Rating - September
8.D. Waller ISD Public Meeting: Discuss and receive comments on the 2011 Waller ISD Tax Rate- Date TBA
8.E. WHS Course Selection Book 2012-2013 - new courses, graduation credit requirements, other revisions - November
8.F. Campus Improvements Plans - October
9. Important Dates
Danny Twardowski
9.A. August 15 - Convocation: 1:30PM at Waller High School Auditorium
9.B. August 15-19 - WISD Staff Development
9.C. August 22 - First Day of School
9.D. August 26 - Fallen Hero Memorial Ceremony for Nathan Nylander, 7:00PM at Waller ISD Stadium
9.E. August 29 - 6:00PM, Adopt the 2011-2012 Budget - Special Called Board Meeting
9.F. September 12 - Regular Called Board Meeting
Danny Twardowski
9.G. September 28 - District Site Based Decision Making Committee Meeting
10. Adjourn
President Kaminski