March 7, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Kaminski
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President - David Kaminski, Vice Pres.- Louis Tucker, Secretary - Shaun Nelson, Trustee - Dr. David Kirkpatrick, Trustee - Michael W. Prince, Trustee - Bryan Lowe, and Trustee - Kim Parmer
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President Kaminski
2.A. Discuss resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
2.B. Discuss Pending Legal Action
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President Kaminski
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Prayer: Trustee Tucker
Pledge: Trustee Nelson Alternate: Trustee Kirkpatrick |
3.B. Recognitions
President David Kaminski
3.B.1. Region V Spelling Bee Participants
Waller ISD Elementary School & Junior High School Principals
3.B.2. Waller High School Mr. Valentine: Matthew Pierce
Ken Epting/Dr. Merrell
3.B.3. Waller High School Girls' Basketball District Honors
Schila Clough & Jason Morley
3.B.4. Waller High School Boys' Basketball District Honors
Joseph Earl Claiborne & Jason Morley
3.B.5. Waller High School Trainer- Academic All-State
Chris Aguilar & Jason Morley
3.B.6. Waller High School Debate Team - Harvard Trip
Hayley Hollis & Dr. Merrell
4. Consent Agenda
President Kaminski
4.A. Resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
4.B. Disbursements
4.C. Budget Change Request(s)
4.D. Tax Refund(s) & Report(s)
4.E. Consider Minutes: February
4.F. Consider Staffing Requests
4.G. Consider Update 89
4.H. Consider New Serving Line Proposal for Waller Junior High School Cafeteria
5. Regular Agenda
President Kaminski
5.A. Consider Adding a Cosmetology Program at Waller High School
Brian Merrell
6. Information Items
President Kaminski
6.A. 2011-2012 Budget Update
Mike Marcus & Danny Twardowski
6.B. Collection of Delinquent Taxes- Larson and Weisinger
Mike Marcus
6.C. Leadership TASB Report: Trustee Parmer
Trustee Parmer
7. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President Kaminski
8. Future Board Items
President Kaminski
8.A. 2011-2012 Budget Update
Mike Marcus
8.B. Approval of Teacher Contracts - April
8.C. Proposed Changes to 2011-2012 Student/Staff Handbook
8.D. Special Education Supplies and Equipment (Catalog Proposal)
8.E. Awards and Commemorative Product (Catalog Proposal)
8.F. Athletic Supplies and Equipment (Catalog Proposal)
8.G. First Aid/Medical Supplies and Equipment (Catalog Proposal)
8.H. Teacher and Rookie of The Year Elementary/Secondary
9. Important Dates
Danny Twardowski
9.A. March 9 - Waller County Day in Austin- State Legislature
9.B. March 14-18 - Spring Break
9.C. March 14 - Last Day to File for a Place on the Ballot for the May 14, 2011 Trustee Election
9.D. March 15 - First day to accept regular applications for early voting ballots by mail for any May 14, 2011 Election
9.E. March 25-26 - Waller FFA Ag Show
9.F. March 30, 2011 Legislative Conference in Austin
9.G. April 11- Regular Board Meeting
9.H. April 22 - Good Friday Holiday
9.I. TAKS Dates: April 4, 5, 7, & 25 - 29
May 17 & 18 June 28 & 29 |
9.J. May 30 - Memorial Day Holiday
9.K. June 1 - Last Day of School/Early Release
9.L. June 4 - WHS Graduation
10. Adjourn
President Kaminski