August 9, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President David Kaminski
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President - David Kaminski, Vice Pres.- Louis Tucker, Secretary - Shaun Nelson, Trustee Dr. David Kirkpatrick, Trustee - Michael W. Prince, Trustee - Bryan Lowe, and Trustee - Kim Parmer
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President David Kaminski
2.A. Discuss resignations, employment, leaves of absence and staff transfers
2.B. Discuss pending and prospective litigation with counsel
2.C. Discuss Hearing Examiner's recommendation regarding the proposed non-renewal of a contract employee
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President David Kaminski
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Prayer - Trustee Prince
Pledge -Trustee Parmer Alternate: Trustee Kirkpatrick |
3.B. Recognitions
President David Kaminski
3.B.1. There are no recognitions this month
4. Consent Agenda
President David Kaminski
4.A. Resignations, employment, leaves of absence and staff transfers
4.B. Disbursements
4.C. Budget change request(s)
4.D. Tax refund(s)
4.E. Consider Intra-district Transfers
4.F. Consider and appoint Mike Marcus, Tax Assessor/Collector for the Waller Independent School District, to calculate and publish the school district's tax rate for the 2010 tax year
4.G. Consider Mike Marcus, Tax Assessor/Collector for the Waller Independent School District, do hereby certify a 100% Total Collection Rate for the 2010 year.
4.H. Consider Policy DPB
4.I. Consider DEC Local
4.J. Consider Waller ISD PDAS Appraisal Calendar
4.K. Discuss the Hearing Examiner's recommendation regarding the proposed non-renewal of a contract employee
5. Regular Agenda
President David Kaminski
5.A. Consider Bond Refunding - Public Offering Statement
Consider adopting an order authorizing the issuance of Waller Independent School District Unlimited Tax refunding bonds, series 2010; setting certain parameters for the bonds; authorizing the superintendent to approve the amount, the interest rate, price, including the terms thereof and certain other procedures and provision related thereto
Duncan Lamme and Tom Sage - RBC Dain Rauscher
5.B. Consider the Hearing Examiner's recommendation regarding the proposed non-renewal of a contract employee.
6. Information Items
President David Kaminski
6.A. Construction Report
SHW Group
6.A.1. Technology Building
Sam Savage SHW
6.A.2. Waller ISD Construction
Ray Stelter
6.B. Student/Staff Activity Account Manual
Mike Marcus
7. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President David Kaminski
8. Future Board Items
President David Kaminski
8.A. 2010-2011 Budget
Mike Marcus
9. Important Dates
Danny Twardowski
9.A. August 10-12 - New Teacher Orientation -WJH West Campus Library
9.B. August 13 - 16 - District-wide Staff Development at Waller High School
9.C. August 17 - Convocation and staff development 8:30AM - Waller High School Auditorium
(Continental Breakfast 7:30AM-8:30AM - Waller High School Cafeteria) |
9.D. August 18-20 - Campus work days/staff development
9.E. August 23 - First day of school
9.F. August 30 - Special Called Board Meeting - Adopt Budget and Tax Rate 7:00PM
9.G. September 14 - Regular Called Board Meeting
10. Adjourn
President David Kaminski