January 30, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: Same Question as with 11.B.1 Why is there a need to limit any individual trustee from having an item placed on the agenda? Response: BE(LOCAL) revisions were proposed by the Board Policy Committee. |
Led by the Eastern Hills High School J.R.O.T.C. Cadets |
3.A. Recognition of Student Greeters
3.B. School Board Appreciation Month
4.A. Literacy and Math Supplemental Update
Presenters: Charles Garcia and Melissa Kelly, Associate Superintendents, Mary Jane Bowman, Executive Director of Humanities and Academic Support Initiatives, Diane Martinez, Executive Director of Math and Science, and Meadowbrook Elementary School Principal Birkmire |
The Board will convene in closed session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter §551. |
9.A. Seek the Advice of Attorneys (Texas Government Code §551.071)
9.B. Deliberation Regarding the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee, Including but Not Limited to Action Items Related to the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Continuing Contract Employees for Good Cause, the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Term Contract Employees for Good Cause and the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Probationary Contract Employees for Good Cause (Texas Government Code §551.074)
9.B.1. Executive Director of Talent Management
9.C. Security Implementation (Texas Government Code §551.076)
9.C.1. Intruder Audit Findings and Corrective Action
9.D. Real Property (Texas Government Code §551.072)
(Action by the Board of Education in adopting the "Consent Agenda" means that all items appearing herein are adopted by one single motion, unless a member of the Board requests that such item be removed from the "Consent Agenda" and voted upon separately.) |
10.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes
10.A.1. December 12, 2023 - Regular Minutes
10.A.2. December 18, 2023 - Special Minutes
10.B. Governance and Strategic Communications, Toni Cordova, Chief
10.B.1. Approve First Reading - Revisions to Board Policies AE(LOCAL), BE(LOCAL), CQB(LOCAL), and CS(LOCAL)
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: Why is there a requested change to board policy BE (local) Any trustee should be able to have an item placed on the agenda. Response: BE(LOCAL) revisions were proposed by the Board Policy Committee. Anne Darr: What are some other districts in Texas that have implemented similar changes to their BE(LOCAL) policy? |
10.B.2. Approve Second Reading - Revision to Board Policy DEC(LOCAL)
10.B.3. Approve Revisions to the Board Operating Procedures Manual
10.C. Administrative Services, Dr. Karen Molinar, Deputy Superintendent
10.C.1. Business and Finance, Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria, Chief Financial Officer
10.C.1.a. Approve Debt Service Budget Amendment for the Period Ending December 31, 2023
10.C.1.b. Approve Budget Amendment for the Period Ended December 31, 2023
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: What is the reason/cause for an approximate 70% increase in Transportation costs? Response: The increase in transportation (function 34) increased as a result of the carryover on unspent TRE transportation funds as well as encumbered purchase orders from the prior year. For example, a purchase order in the amount of $5.9 million that was placed in February 2023 for charter and activity buses is included in this number. This purchase was placed in the prior fiscal year but due to production and lead times, the buses will not be delivered until fiscal year 2023-24. |
10.C.1.c. Approve Ratification and Future Purchases of Charter Bus Services
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: Is $400,000.00 in charter transportation funding enough to cover all necessary travel? I would think that any trip over 100 miles should be on charter in addition to any travel that would be delayed due to regular bus route times. e.g. football game in Sanger. Buses on regular routes finish after 5:00pm. Band, Cheer, Drill and team need to arrive 1-2 hours before the game but waiting an hour or two for a route bus to arrive means arriving at the games after they start considering the traffic at that time. Response: With regard to the amount requested, this was based on the prior year's expenses as follows: 2024 - $240,055 (Purchase orders so far, but does already include several upcoming Spring trips) 2023 - $384,602 2022 - $368,201 2021 - $28,063 (Affected by COVID-19) 2020 - $259,131 (Affected by COVID-19) 2019 - $349,055 Anne Darr: What guidelines, parameters, and rules will be created to determine the use of a charter bus? Will a minimum distance to be traveled or a minimum number of travelers be required? Response: Current Guidelines: For Athletics, the following parameters: ·Trips exceeding 200 miles round trip (100 miles one way) For Visual and Performing Arts, the following parameters are in place below for charter buses: · Trips exceeding 100 miles one way Note: Consideration regarding the use of charter buses will be made when FWISD buses are not available for use. All FWISD will have the ability to utilize a charter bus based on available campus/department funds, including approved fundraising activities. Fundraising activities should cover the cost of any additional or incremental cost outside of the above authorized parameters. Deviations from the above are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Deputy Superintendent for Operations. Will charter buses only be available for UIL events, or can a group use a charter bus for optional activities that require travel?Response: Charter buses are scheduled on an as-needed basis by any department and/or student activity group that requires a bus charter for travel. Having a group of pre-selected vendors allows the department and/or student group to select the best option for their specific travel. Additionally, there is no need to obtain three quotes (other than federal) so this expedites the process further. |
10.C.2. Talent Management, Woodrow Bailey III, Chief Talent Officer
10.C.2.a. Approve Appraisers for the T-TESS Appraisal System Certified Since November 7, 2023
10.C.2.b. Approve Ratification of Region 11 Alternative Certification Program Fees to Support Alternative Certification for High Need Areas
10.C.3. Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, Dr. David Saenz, Chief of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
10.C.3.a. Approve Interlocal Agreement with the City of Fort Worth to Provide After-School Services at The Leadership Academy at Como Elementary School for the School Year 2023 - 2024
10.C.4. Safety and Security, Daniel Garcia, Executive Director
10.C.4.a. Approve Ratification of Emergency Mass Communication System Renewal
10.C.4.b. Approve Purchase of Physical Security Equipment, Licensing, and Services
10.D. Learning and Leading Networks
10.D.1. Service Network #1, Melissa Kelly, Deputy Superintendent
10.D.1.a. Approve Purchase of Advanced Placement Spanish 3rd Edition Textbooks, Professional Development, and Licenses
10.D.2. Service Network #2, Charles Garcia, Associate Superintendent
10.D.2.a. Approve Purchase of Certification Preparation Materials, Practice Tests, and Exam Licenses
10.D.2.b. Approve Purchase of Consulting Services for the Texas Regional Pathways Network Cohort 4 Continuation Grant
10.D.2.c. Approve 2024 Advanced Placement Exam Fee
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: I am for paying the AP Fees. What are we doing to make sure that students taking the tests are qualified and ready to take the exam? I have watched too many students over the years use the test time as a way out of their regular classes and simply place their name on the exam or bubble in random answers. Response:
Response: Directly through the College Board (CB), students enrolled in an Advanced Placement course have access through their CB account to multiple free online resources to prepare for the examination and provide extra assistance during the course both inside and outside the classroom. The resources below are available in the "About the Exam" tab on The CB My AP Classroom website: AP Daily Practice Sessions AP Daily Videos AP Daily: Live Review Recordings Beyond these resources, each campus may choose to offer in-person, teacher-led test prep sessions before the exams. |
10.D.3. Service Network #4, Dr. Tamekia Brown, Associate Superintendent
10.D.3.a. Approve Purchase of an Online Assessment Tool for Gifted and Talented Screening
Anne Darr: How are students identified as GT in addition to one's performance on the NNAT3? Response: Students are identified using multiple data sources in compliance with the 2019 Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted Talented Students. Specifically, the plan states the following: "Qualitative and quantitative data are collected through three (3) or more measures and used to determine whether a student needs gifted/talented services." Below are the various data points considered once a parent or guardian gives permission for their student to be screened: ·Parent feedback The various data collected is then presented to a committee of educators from the campus (i.e. campus leadership, teachers, and a G/T teacher) to determine if the student meets the threshold of the TEA definition of G/T (Please see below). A gifted/talented student is a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: ·exhibits high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; (source: https://tea.texas.gov/academics/special-student-populations/gifted-and-talented-education) Ultimately, G/T screening and identification seeks to find potential and/or talent to develop through the various enrichment and acceleration opportunities provided by our G/T Teachers. We call them Talent Scouts. The G/T committees are afforded the ability to make data-driven decisions to best meet the unique needs of each student. |
10.D.3.b. Approve Memorandum of Understanding to Serve Eligible High School Students in Community Leadership Development Programming
10.D.3.c. Approve Memorandum of Understanding for a Peer to Peer Suicide Prevention Education Program
10.E. Operations, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
10.E.1. Operations, Carl Alfred, Senior Officer Operations
10.E.1.a. Approve Services for Monitoring Energy Management Systems
10.E.1.b. Approve Installation of Cellular Communicators for District Elevators
Anne Darr: Is the number of elevator phones that need to be replaced known? Response: All 125 District elevators will be installed and converted to cellular communication. Rolling Hills Elementary is excluded from this number as the elevator was already installed with this feature. |
10.E.1.c. Approve Fire Alarm Replacement at Dolores Huerta and Meadowbrook Elementary Schools
10.E.2. Athletics, Jimmy Calderon, Executive Director
10.E.2.a. Approve Purchase of Front-End Control Video Production System
10.E.3. Capital Improvement Program
10.E.3.a. Approve Authorization to Negotiate and Enter into a Contract with a Construction Manager at Risk for Pre-Construction Manager at Risk for Pre-Construction Services for Riverside Middle School Renovations in Conjunction with the 2021 Capital Improvement Program
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: Shouldn't this wait until the facilities survey is complete? Response: Riverside MS is the only middle school feeder for Riverside HS. While the facility master plan could include information that initiates conversations regarding the future consolidation of HS campuses, actual recommendations would be made to a future board and would, most likely, be contingent upon a future bond that addresses high school campuses. It would be the intent of Administration to recommend that elementary facilities be considered first. The work planned for Riverside MS was informed by a facility condition assessment that was completed for Bond 2021. The facility data collected as part of current master facility planning will be available to inform any additional considerations as part of this project. There is no need to delay approval of the CMAR in order for this to occur. |
10.E.3.b. Approve Authorization to Enter into a Job Order Contract with a General Contractor for Construction Services for Amon Carter-Riverside High School in Conjunction with the 2017 Capital Improvement Program
10.E.3.c. Approve Closeout Contract for Construction Services and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the 2017 Capital Improvement Program
10.E.3.d. Approve Closeout Contract for Construction Services and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the 2021 Capital Improvement Program
11. ACTION ITEMS (S and P)
11.A. Item/Items Removed from Consent Agenda
11.B. Personnel
11.B.1. Executive Director of Talent Management
11.C. Administrative Services, Dr. Karen Molinar, Deputy Superintendent
11.C.1. Approve 2024-2025 Traditional, Intersessional and Early College High School Calendars
Anne Darr: Knowing that many FWISD staff members live outside FWISD, are these calendars as similar as possible to the calendars of neighboring districts? Response: The District calendar is developed with a focus on the needs of Fort Worth ISD students as the priority. In addition to input from various District stakeholder groups, the calendars of neighboring districts in Tarrant County are taken into consideration if they are available at the time of calendar development. There are similarities in First Day, Last Day, Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break. The differences in Spring Break can be attributed to our alignment with the Tarrant County College calendar due to our partnership for Early College programs throughout the District. |
11.C.2. Approve Resolution to Approve Wage Continuation Payments for Employees During Emergency Closures
11.D. Legal and District Records Management, Lynda Jackson, Senior Counsel
11.D.1. Consider and Take Action to Terminate the Chapter 21 Probationary Contract of Otis Clayton
11.D.2. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Probationary Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.D.3. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Term Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.D.4. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Continuing Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.D.5. Consider and Take Action to Void the Contract of Certain Employees for Lack of Texas Educator Certification Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.E. Operations, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
11.E.1. Operations, Carl Alfred, Senior Officer Operations
11.E.1.a. Approve Grounds Maintenance Services for Athletic Fields and at Athletic Facilities
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: So I am assuming that the additional Quarter Million plus dollars is to address unforeseen groundkeeping issues over and above mowing, trimming and weeding. Is that correct? Response: In November 2022, we issued the RFP #23-005 for Lawn Mowing Services. This service's maximum cost was $1,446,369.60 to cover the expenses from March 2023 through February 2024. The board approved this item to address the lawn mowing services required for our campuses during this period. However, we need additional services to finish the year from February 2024 through June 2024. Please note that the request is not for any extra services but for the necessary lawnmowing services required to complete the year. |