April 27, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Call to order and establish a quorum
Time is set aside to hear comments from the audience regarding agenda items or other topics of general concern. Any complaint brought against a district employee or involving the discipline of a student shall be heard in closed session (Texas Government Code, Sections 551.074 and 551.082)
3.A. Superintendent's Report
3.A.1. District Closure Update
Items included ar of a routine and/or recurring nature that are grouped together to be voted on by one vote, unless a Board member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration. The remaining items shal be adopted by one vote.
4.A. Minutes of March 23, 2020 Regular Meeting
4.B. March 2020 Financial Report
4.C. March 2020 District Monthly Investment Report
4.D. Budget Amendments
5.A. Extend Board Resolution Regarding Wage Payments during Emergency School Closing
Wayne Rotan
Subject: Consider extending the resolution to continue paying all employees during closure due to COVID-19 for an additional five weeks.
Background Information: In accordance with recommendations from the Commissioner of Education and the CDC, Glen Rose Independent School District extended Spring Break to comply with the social distancing protocol. Furthermore, the District shifted to an online learning environment for the duration of the closure to foster an environment of continued education in the safest manner possible. With the shift to online learning and to comply with social distancing, the District has limited the number of staff members on each campus during this time. (A six-week resolution was originally approved by the Board on 3/23/2020) Administrative Consideration: The Board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to close schools for reasons of public health and safety in EB (LOCAL). DEA (LOCAL) states, "If the Board chooses to pay employees during an emergency closure for which the workdays are not scheduled to be made up at a later date, then that authorization shall be by resolution or other Board action and shall reflect the purpose served by the expenditure". Budgetary Impact: The resolution is to pay employees for regularly scheduled hours, so there is no budgetary impact as we are paying the amount the employees were originally budgeted to receive during this time. Recommendation: Administration recommends approval of a five-week extension for the attached resolution regarding continuing wage payments to all regular employees - contractual and noncontractual, salaried and non-salaried - who are instructed not to report to work during an emergency closing.
5.B. Suspend a portion of Board Policy EIA (LOCAL) Progress Reporting during COVID-19 Closure.
Wayne Rotan
Background Information:
Currently, there is a global pandemic known as COVID-19 (Corona Virus) that is spreading in the United States and around the world. In order to try to stop the spread of the virus, Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order on March 19, 2020 providing that all Texas public schools temporarily close effective March 20, 2020 thru April 3, 2020. Subsequently, he extended the school closing thru April 30 and included that the closure of schools should not recommence prior to May 4, 2020 per the guidance of the President of the United States and the CDC. Finally, Gov. Abbott issued Executive Order GA-16 on April 17, 2020 closing in-person classroom attendance by students at all public schools through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Administrative Consideration: EIA (LOCAL) mandates that report cards be issued every six weeks. With the closure due to COVID-19, we are planning to combine the 5th and 6th weeks into one (1) final grade report. Please see attached.
5.C. Consider and take action on an order authorizing the issuance of unlimited tax refunding bonds; appointing a pricing officer and delegating to the pricing officer the authority to approve the sale of the Bonds and documents related thereto; establishing certain parameters for the approval of such matters; levying an annual ad valorem tax for the payment of the Bonds; and enacting other provisions relating to the subject
Wayne Rotan
Background Information:
Glen Rose ISD voters approved $19.95 million in bonds in May 2010. Budgetary Consideration: Glen Rose ISD will save approximately $625,000 in interest cost over the life of the bonds by reissuing at a lower interest rate (See attached)
5.D. Consider approval of TEA Missed School Day Waiver application due to the COVID-19 closure
Wayne Rotan
Background Information:
If an LEA has closed school due to COVID-19, the Texas Education Agency will provide missed school day waivers for the closed days with the requirement that the LEA provide educational supports for the off-campus education of all students. The waivers will be granted as long as the district commits to supporting students instructionally while absent from school grounds. Glen Rose ISD was closed for Spring Break March 9-13, 2020 and March 16, 2020 for an unused Bad Weather Day. On March 14, 2020, Administration extended the closure of school thru March 20, 2020 out of an abundance of caution to minimize potential spread of the COVID-19 virus through the community based on consultation with DSHS, CDC, and local health officials. On Thursday, March 19, 2020, 6th-12th grade students shifted to an online learning environment with PK-5th grade students following suit on Monday, March 23rd. On April 17, 2020, Governor Abbott announced an executive order for all schools to remain closed for the 2019-2020 school year. Glen Rose ISD will remain closed until May 21, 2020. School districts that are providing at home remote services will not be required to extend their school year or make up any missed days. Administrative Consideration: For school closure based on COVID-19 related concerns the LEA must seek additional minute waivers from the agency in order to meet the 75,600 operational minute requirement. Glen Rose ISD will request a Missed School Day Waiver from March 17, 2020 - Thursday, May 21, 2020. Budgetary Impact: None Recommendation: The administration recommends approval to submit to the Texas Education Agency, missed school day waiver application as a result of the COVID-19 school closure. Submitted by: Susan Wright, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Meeting Date: April 27, 2020