February 11, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Presentations
4.A. Superintendent's Honor Roll, 3rd Six Weeks: 1st Grade-Corbin Avery Jordan, 2nd Grade-Coryn Elise Diaz, 3rd Grade-Logan Walker Stringfield, 4th Grade-Ethan Kyle Rybolt, 5th Grade-Lauren White, 6th Grade-Olivia Agee, 7th Grade-Presley Watzl, 8th Grade-Kate Crunk, 9th Grade-Alyssandra Galindo, 10th Grade-Maggie Brockman, 11th Grade-Christian Bell, 12th Grade-Noah Palacio;
4.B. Elementary Principal Crysten Hopkins
4.B.1. Camp Fire West Texas After School Program
5. District Updates
5.A. Director of Operations Brian Cooper
5.A.1. Facilities Report
5.B. Assistant Superintendent/Finance Darrell Dodds
5.B.1. Financial Report
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. January 14, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.B. January Budget Report
6.C. January Monthly Bills
7. Discuss and Consider Approval of 2019-2020 School Calendar
8. Discuss and Consider Approval of Professional Development Agreement with Region 18 (Distributed at Meeting)
9. Discuss and Consider Approval of Board Resolution Extending Depository Contract for Funds of Independent School Districts under Texas Education Code, Chapter 45, Subchapter G, School District Depositories
10. Consider Approval of Letter of Engagement with Independent Auditor Eckert & Co., L.L.P. for Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2019
11. Accept Resignation of Dane Crunk and Consider Replacement Options
12. Nominate and Appoint Vice President of The Board
13. Discuss and Consider Approval of Budget Amendment if Necessary
14. Closed Session: Personnel and Real Estate Matters (Texas Government Code Section 551.074 & 551.072)
15. Personnel
15.A. Resignations/Reassignments/Retirements
15.B. Employment of Staff
15.C. Administrator Contracts (Assistant Superintendent, Director of Curriculum/Instruction, Testing Coordinator, Athletic Director, Director of Operations, Principals, Assistant Principals)
15.D. Employment Agreements (Assistant Superintendent/Finance, District Technology Director)
16. Discuss and Consider Approval of Extension and Salary of Superintendent
17. Superintendent's Report
17.A. SLI
17.B. Board Training
17.C. Cafeteria Management
17.D. View Bus
18. Adjournment