April 10, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Presentations
4.A. Superintendent's Honor Roll: Abbagayle Roberts and Kenzley Stroh
5. District Updates
5.A. Director of Operations Brian Cooper
5.B. Business Manager Brad Holland
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. March 6, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.B. March Budget Report
6.C. March Monthly Bills
7. Discuss and Consider Approval of Depository Contract for September 2017-August 2019
8. Discuss and Approve Final District of Innovation Plan
9. Discuss and Consider Amendment to Professional Service Agreement Dated June 3, 2013 with Parkhill, Smith, & Cooper, Inc.
10. Consider and Approve Construction Delivery Method for the Elementary and High School Flooring Replacement Project
11. Discuss and Approve Competitive Sealed Proposal Criteria for Flooring Replacement Project
12. Discuss and Select a Proposal Scoring Evaluation Committee for Flooring Replacement Project
13. Consider Approval of Wage Rates for the Elementary and High School Flooring Replacement Project
14. Consider and Approve Construction Delivery Method for 2 New Tennis Courts and Resurfacing of 6 Existing Tennis Courts
15. Discuss and Approve Competitive Sealed Proposal Criteria for 2 New Tennis Courts and Resurfacing of 6 Existing Tennis Courts
16. Discuss and Select a Proposal Scoring Evaluation Committee for 2 New Tennis Courts and Resurfacing of 6 Existing Tennis Courts
17. Consider Approval of Wage Rates for 2 New Tennis Courts and Resurfacing of 6 Existing Tennis Courts
18. Consider Approval to Advertise for Bids for Asbestos Abatement
19. Consider Approval of Mr. Elliott to Negotiate and Enter into Contract for Asbestos Abatement
20. Consider Approval to Advertise for Bids for Roofing Project of GHS West Wing and Campus House
21. Consider Approval of Mr. Elliott to Negotiate and Enter into Contract for Roofing Project of GHS West Wing and Campus House
22. Discuss and Consider Budget Amendment if Necessary
23. Closed Session: Personnel and Real Estate Matters (Texas Government Code Section 551.074 & 551.072)
24. Personnel
24.A. Resignations/Reassignments/Retirements
24.B. Employment of Staff
25. Superintendent's Report
25.A. Enrollment
25.B. Security
26. Adjournment