December 12, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Presentations
4.A. 2nd Six Weeks Superintendent's Honor Roll: 1st Grade-Kaden McFarden, Andrick Rodriguez, 2nd Grade-Blake Crunk, 3rd Grade-Vivian Moore, Rylee Rubio, 4th Grade-Tyler Fewox, Abbagayle Roberts, 5th Grade-Presley Watzl, 6th Grade-Avree Turnage, 7th Grade-Alondra Martinez, 8th Grade-Maggie Brockman, 9th Grade-Christian Bell, 10th Grade-Jaylene Valenzuela Moiza, 11th Grade-Kayleigh Kitto, 12th Grade-Ben Brockman, Kylee Onick;
4.B. All District 4-4A Volleyball: Caity Payne, Kailey Martinez, Payslee Sims
4.C. High School State Qualifying Band
4.D. Representative of Eckert and Company, LLC
4.D.1. Financial Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2016
4.E. Board President Justin Brooks
4.E.1. Continuing Education Hours of School Board Members
5. District Updates
5.A. Assistant Superintendent Byron Moreland
5.A.1. PBMAS Update
5.B. Business Manager Brad Holland
5.B.1. Financial Report
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. November 16, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.B. November Budget Report
6.C. November Monthly Bills
7. Consider Approval of Fiscal Audit Report Ending August 31, 2016 (Distributed at Meeting)
8. Consider Approval of Two-Year Grace Period to Implement The New EDGAR Procurement Policies and Procedures
9. Discuss and Consider Approval of School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Members
10. Discuss and Consider Changes to the 2016-2017 School Calendar
11. Consider Approval of West Texas Food Service Cooperative 2017-2018
Interlocal Agreement |
12. Closed Session: Personnel and Real Estate Matters (Texas Government Code Section 551.074 & 551.072)
13. Personnel
13.A. Resignations/Reassignments/Retirements
13.B. Employment of Staff
14. Superintendent's Report
14.A. Enrollment
14.B. Distribute Superintendent's Evaluation Form to Trustees
14.C. SLI
14.D. District of Innovation
14.E. School Security
15. Adjournment