May 14, 2013 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Presentations
3.A. State DI (Destination Imagination)
3.A.1. 9th Place at State: Challenge A: "Route 66" - Cody Alvarado, Ashton Bourgeois, Tyler Cozart, Whitney Sullivan, Hunter Wigington;
3.A.2. Qualifiers: Challenge B: The "B" Team - Nakia Armendariz, Jiles Finch, Sammy Magallan, Vance Martinez, Cylie Mebane, Tyler Porras, Zayra Urias;
3.A.3. Qualifiers: 5th Grade Wild Card Team: Duck Tape Dynasty-Cutter Atkins, Christian Bell, Jolton Brown, Taelynn Randolph;
3.B. Math Counts All State Qualifiers: 8th Grade-Ashton Bourgeois, Ben Brockman, Nakia Armendariz, and Sammy Magallan;
3.C. Girls State Powerlifting: Becca Barron-12th Place
3.D. Boys State Powerlifting: Reid Clanton-4th place, Cole Byerly-qualifier, Dustin Rea-qualifier;
3.E. State Girls Basketball: Morgan McKee-TGCA All-State; Kanada King-TGCA Academic All-State, TABC Academic All-State; Mayson Thompson TGCA Academic All-State, TABC Academic All-State; Courtney Waters-TGCA Academic All-State, TABC Academic All-State;
3.F. State Boys Basketball: TABC Academic All-State: Kyle Hansard, Taylor "H" Hollingsworth, Cade Jones, Timmy Murphey, Kam Williams
3.G. State Girls Track & Field Qualifier: Morgan McKee
3.H. State Boys Track & Field Qualifier: Jody Lively and Kam Williams
3.I. Superintendent's Honor Roll: 1st Grade-Taegan King, 2nd Grade-Madeleine Mathes, 3rd Grade-Delani Shockley, 4th Grade-Maggie Brockman, 5th Grade Christian Bell, 6th Grade-Peyton Richardson, 7th Grade-Gracie Huber, 8th Grade-Cylie Mebane, 9th Grade-Garrett Grafe, 10th Grade-Amanda Bell, 11th Grade-Grace Sunderland, 12 Grade-Timothy Murphey;
3.J. High School Student Council: Induction of Student Council Officers
3.J.1. President: Julia Pashilk, Vice-President: Ruben Rocha, Treasurer: Josh Tuala, Historian: Jessica Avery, Secretary: Hannah Peine, Parliamentarian: David Sanchez;
3.K. Parkhill, Smith, & Cooper, Inc. Representative
3.K.1. Update on Construction Plans
3.L. Public Comments
3.M. Campus Updates may address any or all of these subjects: student activities, professional development, recognitions or awards, state data (test scores, etc.).
3.M.1. High School Principal Ariel Elliott
3.M.1.a. Campus Update
3.M.2. James R. Brooks Middle School Principal Sam Magallan
3.M.2.a. Campus Update
3.M.3. Elementary School Principal Byron Moreland
3.M.3.a. Campus Update
3.N. District Updates
3.N.1. Athletic Director Shad Hanna
3.N.1.a. Athletic Update
3.N.2. Federal Programs/Testing Coordinator Ann Moore
3.N.2.a. 2013 STAAR Tests
3.N.3. Curriculum Director D'Laine Young
3.N.3.a. AU Report
3.N.3.b. Summer Staff Development
3.N.4. Assistant Superintendent of Operations Scott Knippa
3.N.4.a. Update Local Maintenance Projects
3.N.5. Assistant Superintendent of Finance David McColloch
3.N.5.a. Update Financial Report
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. April 8, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes
4.B. April 29, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes
4.C. April Budget Report
4.D. April Monthly Bills
5. Canvass and Certify Results of May 11, 2013 Greenwood Election
6. Consider Authorizing Architecture and Engineering Services Agreement with Parkhill, Smith, and Cooper for May 11, 2013 Bond Project
7. Discussion and Possible Action of Grade Level Configurations at Elementary and James R. Brooks Middle School for the 2013-2014 School Year
8. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Bus Lane at Existing Elementary Campus
9. Discussion and Consideration of Revision of InterDistrict Transfer Policy ( FDA Legal & Local)
10. Closed Session
10.A. Texas Government Code Section 551.074 (Discuss personnel or to hear complaints against personnel.)
10.B. Texas Government Code 551.076 (Considering the deployment , specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices.)
11. Personnel
11.A. Resignations/Reassignments
11.B. Employment of Staff
11.C. Consider Professional Contracts
12. Superintendent's Report
12.A. Enrollment
12.B. SLI: June 6-8, 2013
12.C. Baccalaureate, May 19, 2013, 6:00PM, HS Auditorium
12.D. Graduation: May 31, 2013, 7:00PM at Midland College
13. Adjournment