May 14, 2012 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Presentations
3.A. Greenwood Leadership Organization (GLO)
3.B. Girls Academic All-State Basketball: TABC - Becca Campbell, Emily Dye
3.C. Boys Academic All-State Basketball: TABC-Hugo Arenas, Dustin Mayers, Edgar Urias; THSCA-Hugo Arenas, Dustin Mayers, Edgar Urias;
3.D. FFA State Qualifiers: Livestock Judging Team-Call Carmichael, Nikki Caughron, Dax Cave, Jacob Jarvis; Cotton Judging Team-Jenny Hendriex, Quinton Holley, Carley Vicars;
3.E. Girls State Track Qualifier: Morgan McKee
3.F. Superintendent's Honor Roll: 1st Grade-Caleb Randolph, 2nd Grade-Kennedy Miller, 3rd Grade-Maggie Brockman, 4th Grade-Christian Bell, 5th Grade-Taylor Payton, 6th Grade-Kaitlyn Murphey, 7th Grade-Sammy Magallan, 8th Grade-Justin Stone, 9th Grade-Amanda Bell, 10th Grade-Kevin Campbell, 11th Grade-Kam Williams, 12th Grade-Emily Dye;
3.G. High School Student Council: Induction of Student Council Officers
3.G.1. President: Veronica Onzures, Vice-President: Amanda Hightower, Treasurer: Julia Pashilk, Historian: Baily Neatherlin, Secretary: Julian Garcia, Parliamentarian: Josh Tuala;
3.H. Parkhill, Smith, & Cooper Inc. Representative
3.H.1. Update on Facilities
4. Public Comments
5. District Updates
5.A. Athletic Director Shad Hanna
5.A.1. Athletic Update
5.B. Assistant Superintendent of Operations Scott Knippa
5.B.1. Update Local Maintenance Projects
5.C. Assistant Superintendent of Finance David McColloch
5.C.1. Update Financial Report
6. Campus Updates (May address any or all of these subjects: student activities, professional development, recognitions or awards, state data [test scores, etc]).
6.A. High School Principal Ariel Elliott
6.B. James R. Brooks Middle School Principal Sam Magallan
6.C. Elementary Principal Byron Moreland
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. April 16, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes
7.B. April Budget Report
7.C. April Monthly Bills
8. Consider Approval of Board Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing of Texas Public School Students
9. Consider Approval of Purchase or Lease of Portable Building
10. Consider Bid of Property Held in Trust by GISD
11. Consider Approval of Membership in Region 18 ESC's Cooperative Purchasing Program
12. Consider Changing Date for July Board Meeting
13. Second and Final Reading of TASB Policy Update 93 Affecting Local Policies: DAB(Local):Employment Objectives-Genetic Nondiscrimination, DAC(Local): Employment Objectives-Objective Criteria for Personnel Decisions, DH(Local): Employee Standards of Conduct, EFA(Local): Instructional Resources-Instructional Materials, FDB(Local): Admissions-Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments, FFH(Local): Student Welfare-Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, FFI(Local): Student Welfare-Freedom from Bullying;
14. Personnel
14.A. Resignations/Reassignments
14.B. Employment of Staff
15. Superintendent's Report
15.A. Enrollment
15.B. SLI (Summer Leadership Institute)
15.C. Graduation/Baccalaureate
16. Adjournment