May 10, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Presentations
4.A. First Team Recognition from National Athletic Trainers’ Association Safe Sports School Award (NATA)
Alyha Perez Mia Hinojos Valeria Rubalcaba |
4.B. State Qualifiers for Powerlifting
Jimmy Vazquez Jaizlynne Kuhlmann |
4.C. Superintendent's Honor Roll, Fifth Six Weeks
1st Grade - Cylus Boggs 2nd Grade - Quinn Herrera 3rd Grade - Avery Goldsmith 4th Grade - Carter Hogan 5th Grade - Kynadee Rhodes 6th Grade - Mahonri Jessop 7th Grade - John Jessop 8th Grade - Lindsey White 9th Grade - Mirando Rivero 10th Grade - Tatum Bales 11th Grade - Grace Franks 12th Grade - Daniel Byerley |
4.D. Induction of GHS Student Council Officers
4.E. Induction of GHS National Honor Society Officers
5. Campus Updates
5.A. Intermediate Principal Heather Bennett - HB3 Reading Update
6. District Updates
6.A. Director of Operations Brian Cooper
6.A.1. Facilities Report
6.A.2. Trip Driving
6.B. CFO Steve Jerden
6.B.1. Financial Report
6.C. Assistant Superintendent Debra Keel
6.C.2. Use of Funds
6.D. Safety Coordinator Jayme Tedder
6.D.1. Safety Update - Summary of findings from the Intruder Detection Audit
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. April 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes
7.B. April 24, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
7.C. May 3, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
7.D. April Budget Report
7.E. April Monthly Bills
8. Discuss and consider approval of budget amendment(s) (if necessary).
9. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Records Consultants, Inc. for managing permanent records.
10. Discuss and consider approval of the bid provided by CauTex Roofing and Construction, LLC and approved by TASB.
11. Discuss and consider approval for the purchase of materials to build carports at the bus barn.
12. Discuss and consider approval of the updated Safe Return to In-Person Instruction.
13. Discuss and consider approval of the updated Preliminary Planning Amounts and Proposed Use of Funds Plan.
14. Discuss and consider approval of purchase from N-TUNE Music and Sound for improved sound systems.
15. Discuss and consider approval of new security cameras and replacement cameras from ABACUS Computers, Inc.
16. Discuss and consider approval of replacement computers from ABACUS Computers, Inc.
17. Discuss and consider approval of purchase of ByteSpeed for E-Sports Classes.
18. Discuss and consider approval of changes to the 2023-2024 Cheerleading Handbook.
19. Discuss and consider approval of moving the June School Board Meeting from Wednesday, June 14th to Monday, June 12th at 5:30pm.
20. Closed Session: Personnel and Real Estate Matters (Texas Government Code Section 551.074 & 551.072)
20.A. Personnel: Resignations, Hiring, Termination, Nonrenewal, and Evaluation of Personnel
20.B. Real Estate: Consider Land Options
21. Personnel
21.A. Resignations/Reassignments/Retirements
21.B. Employment of Staff
22. Superintendent's Report
22.A. Raise Your Hand Texas Learning Opportunity
22.B. Daycare Update
22.C. Housing Update
22.D. Bond Election Update
23. Adjournment