August 9, 2010 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Presentations
3.A. Parkhill, Smith, & Cooper, Inc.
3.A.1. Renovation Update
3.A.2. Distance Learning Center
3.A.3. Paving Project
3.B. Assistant Superintendent of Finance David McColloch
3.B.1. Financial Report
3.B.2. Budget Workshop
3.C. Assistant Superintendent of Operations Scott Knippa
3.C.1. Update Local Maintenance Projects
3.D. Federal Programs Director Byron Moreland
3.D.1. Use of Title Funds
3.E. Primary Principal John-Paul Huber
3.E.1. 2009-2010 TPRI Results
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. July 12, 2010, Regular Meeting Minutes
4.B. July Budget Report
4.C. July Monthly Bills
5. Public Comments
6. Consider Approval of the 2010-11 Student Code of Conduct
7. Consider Approval of Participation in Federal Title programs, Title I, Part A; Title II, Part A; Title XIV;
8. Consider SSA (Shared Service Arrangement ) of Federal Title I Programs, Title II, Part D; Title III, Part A (LEP), Title IV, Part A;
9. Consider Use of $600,000 from Fund Balance for Land Acquisition and Delegate Superintendent Authority to Sign All Legal Documents
10. Consider Approval of Using $19,675 from Contingency Funds for Asbestos Removal at GHS Auditorium
11. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment
12. Consider Bids of Property Held in Trust by GISD
13. Approve Chapter 41 Option 3 Contract
14. Propose 2010-2011 Tax Rate to be Published
15. Set Date for Budget and Tax Hearing
16. Call for Trustee Election
17. Personnel
17.A. Resignations/Reassignments
17.B. Employment of Staff
18. Superintendent's Report
18.A. Registration
18.B. High School and Middle School Student Handbooks
18.C. Employee Handbook
18.D. Leadership Academy
18.E. State Accountability Ratings
18.F. Federal AYP Status
19. Adjournment