October 20, 2008 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Presentations
3.A. Superintendent's Honor Roll: Weston Horton, Alana Blake, Cooper Estepp, Gracie Huber, Kaitlin Murphey, Cylie Mebane, Matthew Morgan, Amanda Bell, Grant Franklin, Mayson Thompson, Madison Pate, Blake Sanchez, Ashley Ricketson, Rae Lynn Fulton, Amber Hermanson, Katelynn Muldrow
3.B. National Hispanic Scholar Dustin Sanchez
3.C. District Testing Coordinator Claudia Chase, TELPAS Report
3.D. Assistant Superintendent/Finance David McColloch
3.E. Assistant Superintendent/Operations Scott Knippa
3.F. High School Principal Ariel Elliott
3.G. Middle School Principal Byron Moreland
3.H. Intermediate Principal Terri Rimer
3.I. Primary Principal John-Paul Huber
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. September 8, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes
4.B. September Budget Report
4.C. September Monthly Bills
5. Public Comments
6. Consider Approval of Continuation of Adjunct Faculty Agreement with the Midland County Extension Service
7. Consider Approval of Bid for Property Held in Trust by County of Midland, GISD, and Midland Hospital District
8. Consider Approval of Bid for Property (2) Held in Trust by County or Midland, GISD, and Midland Hospital District
9. Consider Approval of Property Tax Refund Checks
10. Consider Approval of Annual Tax Collection Report
11. Consider Approval of Bus Purchase
12. Consider Approval of AC Purchase and Updates
13. Consider Approval of Purchase of Marquee Sign (Information distributed at meeting)
14. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment (Distributed at Meeting)
15. Consider Approval of Canvass of Tax Ratification Election
16. Personnel
16.A. Resignations/Reassignments
16.B. Employment of Staff
17. Superintendent's Report
17.A. Enrollment
17.B. Summary of TASA Curriculum Audit
17.C. No Child Left Behind Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report
17.D. November 4th Elections
18. Adjournment