April 16, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Commitment to our Common Purpose
3. Feature FJ Young Campus
4. Recognize Jr. High Teacher of Month
5. Reports
5.A. Enrollment
5.B. NASB Report
5.C. SkillsUSA Report
5.D. Balance Sheet
5.E. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
5.F. Cash and Investments
5.G. Tax Collection Summary
5.H. Transportation
6. Consent Items: (All items under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless removed from the Consent Agenda by a trustee for discussion.)
6.A. Consider approval of minutes, March 5, 2018, Regular meeting
6.B. Consider approval of minutes, March 26, 2018, Special meeting
6.C. Consider an addition to the vendor list.
7. Report on school board continuing education requirements
8. Presentation on Learning Readiness Physical Education
9. Consider approval of Clorox 360
10. Consider approval of TexBuy purchasing cooperative
11. Consider approval of 1GPA purchasing cooperative
12. Consider procurement method for baseball field, softball field, and track renovations
13. Consider approval of baseball field, softball field, and track renovations' proposal
14. Consider approval of High School welding equipment proposal
15. Consider approval of budget amendments
16. Consider approval of retainer program with Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino, Russo & Kyle
17. Consideration of TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 110
18. Open Forum
19. Executive Session
Consider contract renewal/non-renewal of probationary and term contracts (Texas Government
Code §551.074)
Consider Personnel (Texas Government
Code §551.074)