September 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Invocation
2. Open Forum
3. Presentation on accountability.
4. Reports
4.A. Enrollment
4.B. Balance Sheet
4.C. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
4.D. Cash and Investments
4.E. Tax Collection Summary
4.F. Transportation
5. Superintendent's Report/Discussion
5.A. Junior College Discussion
5.B. Update on Farm Land
5.C. Transfer Policy
5.D. Field Turf update
5.E. School Vehicles
6. Consent Items: (all items under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the consent agenda by a trustee for discussion.)
6.A. Consider approval of minutes, August 10, 2015, Regular Meeting
6.B. Consider approval of minutes, September 8, 2015, Special Meeting.
6.C. Consider appointment of adjunct staff members.
6.C.1. County Extension Agent
6.C.2. Gymnastics
6.D. Consider approval of vendor list.
7. Presentation of compliance of state programs.
8. Overview of School FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas).
9. Public comment on FIRST report.
10. Consider approval of Seminole ISD's FIRST Rating.
11. Consider approval of resolution designating authorized signatories for depository and investment transactions.
12. Consider approval of Property Access Agreement with Hess Corporation.
13. Consider approval of the 2015 M&O tax rate.
14. Consider approval of 2015 I&S tax rate.
15. Consider approval of resolution for disposal of surplus property.
16. Consider approval of TASB Policy Update 102 affecting local policies (see attached list).
17. Consider approval of changes to TASB Policy CKC, affecting local policy.
18. Consider approval of changes to TASB Policy DH, affecting local policy.
19. Executive Session
19.A. Personnel (Texas Education Code 551.074)