April 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
4. Reports
4.A. Enrollment
4.B. Balance Sheet
4.C. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
4.D. Cash and Investments
4.E. Tax Collection Summary
4.F. Transportation
5. Consent Items: (All items under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless removed from the Consent Agenda by a trustee for discussion.)
5.A. Consider approval of minutes, March 3, 2014, Regular meeting.
5.B. Consider approval of minutes, March 4, 2014, Special meeting.
5.C. Consider approval of minutes, March 24, 2014, Special meeting.
5.D. Consider approval of minutes, March 31, 2014, Special meeting.
5.E. Consider an addition to the vendor list.
6. Update on bond projects.
7. Consider approval of Certification of Unopposed Candidate document for the Place 1 and Place 2 positions.
8. Consider approval of the Order of Cancellation of the 2014 Trustee Election.
9. Consider approval of allowing the district to sell two buses.
10. Consider approval of a retainer program with Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Green, and Trevino, P.C.
11. Consider approval of budget amendment.
12. Executive Sesssion
12.A. Consider contract renewal/nonrenewal of identified probationary contracts; renewal/nonrenewal of identified term contracts for teachers, counselors, diagnosticians, and coaches.
12.B. Consider resignations.
12.C. Consider employment of personnel.