April 16, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
4. Choir Sight Reading Demonstration
5. Update on bond financing with First Southwest.
6. Reports
6.A. Enrollment
6.B. Balance Sheet
6.C. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
6.D. Cash and Investments
6.E. Tax Collection Summary
6.F. Transportation
7. Update on bond projects.
8. Update on press box project.
9. Update on issues with gas lines at the high school and primary campuses.
10. Consent Items: (All items under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless removed from the Consent Agenda by a trustee for discussion.)
10.A. Consider approval of minutes, March 5, 2012, Regular meeting.
10.B. Consider an addition to the vendor list.
10.C. Consider approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2012-2013.
10.D. Consider appointment of an adjunct staff member.
10.E. Consider approval of changing the meeting date for the July 2012 board meeting.
11. Consider approval of the Certification of Unopposed Candidate document for the three at-large positions.
12. Consider approval of the Order of Cancellation of the 2012 Trustee Election.
13. Consider approval of a retainer program with Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Green, and Trevino, P.C.
14. Consider approval of the purchase of a tractor for the maintenance department.
15. Consider approval of the purchase of a stock trailer for the agriculture department.
16. Consider approval of budget amendment.
17. Executive Sesssion
17.A. Consider resignations
17.B. Consider resignation from Success Center principal.
17.C. Consider resignation from an administrator.
17.D. Consider employment of personnel.
17.E. Telephone consultation with school attorney regarding resignation of administrator.