September 16, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order of Regular Meeting
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
III. Attendance
IV. Open Forum
V. Recognition of Personnel, Students, and Others
VI. Business
VI.A. Consent Agenda
VI.A.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
VI.A.2. Financial, Monthly Investments, Budget Reports, and Processed Amendments
VI.A.3. CISD 4th Quarter and Annual Report of Investments
VI.A.4. Bills for Payment other than Pecuniary Interest, all other Standard Printing
VI.B. Communication
VI.B.1. Administrative Communication Reports
VI.B.2. Assessment Report
VI.B.3. Enrollment Report
VI.C. Action
VI.C.1. Payment of Bills Involving Pecuniary Interest
VI.C.2. Consider/Approve Campus and District Improvement Plans 2019-2020
VI.C.3. Consider/ Approve Updated Cuero ISD Gifted/ Talented Plan
VI.C.4. Consider/ Approve Updated Cuero ISD Dyslexia Plan
VI.C.5. Consider/ Approve 2019-2020 Instructional Materials Committee
VI.C.6. Consider/ Approve Update to the CISD Wellness Policy
VI.C.7. Consider/ Approve Proposal from DeWitt Poth and Son for Copiers
VI.C.8. Consider/ Approve Finance Proposal from Empire Financial for the Purchase of 5 Buses
VI.C.9. Consider/ Approve Bond Refinance Proposal by RBC
VII. Adjournment