January 9, 2006 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Meal
2. Call to order
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Special Presentation
4.A. FFA Students
Ryan Pieniazek
4.B. Board Appreciation Month
KISD Superintendent, Students, and Staff
5. Open Forum
6. Review and approve investment policy
7. Consider TEA Waiver for 2006-07 school year start date
8. Consider adoption of 2006-07 school year calendar
9. Reports
9.A. Special Reports
9.A.1. Campus News
9.A.2. Delinquent tax report
Gil Bragg, District Tax Atty.
9.A.3. Quarterly Investment Report
Darla Putman
9.A.4. Gold Performance Acknowledgement Presentation
Linda Moore
9.B. Superintendent's Reports
9.B.1. Enrollment update
9.B.2. School Meal Initiative Review
10. Personnel (Closed Session: Texas Govt. Code 551.074)
10.A. Consider resignation of professional employee
10.B. Consider employment of professional personnel
10.C. Conduct Superintendent's evaluation
10.D. Consider extension of Superintendent's contract
10.E. Consider Superintendent's salary
11. Consent Agenda
11.A. Approve minutes of December 12 and December 13, 2005 board meetings
11.B. Approve December bills
11.C. Approve budget amendment
12. Items for future agendas
12.A. Consider contract extensions and employment agreements for administrative staff
12.B. Call trustee election
12.C. Report of board members' training credit hours
13. Adjourn