October 21, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call to Order
Announcement by President that a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been duly posted for time and manner as required by law.
Adjust Order of Agenda, if necessary
Public Forum
Public Communications
Paul Anderson and Jason Smith - Melissa City Council Reports
City Council representative
Board Subcommittees (Anthony requested at end of 9-16 meeting that we add to Oct meeting)
Strategic Communications Subcommittee
Update from Anthony Figueroa, Subcommittee Chair
Staci Kalmbacher - Learning Services
Curriculum and Instruction update
Dual Credit and Scholarships update - Karen Gracy and Ryan Kiefer, Presenters
Professional Development update
Technology update
Kenny Deel - Plant Management Services
Construction update
PBK Architects
Pogue Construction
Maintenance update
Real Estate update
Transportation update
Robert Rich - Administrative Services
Finance Update
Staffing Update
Melissa Ridge PTSO $800 donation to MRI for Rachel's Challenge
Melissa Ridge PTSO $4,774.59 donation to MRI from proceeds of Melissa Ridge Race Day
Action Items
Consent Agenda
Minutes of previous meeting
Cash Reports
Revenues and Expenditures
Investment Reports
Consider and act upon a Resolution authorizing the Superintendent to execute the Joint Use Agreement between the City of Melissa and the Melissa Independent School District for the use of Melissa Zadow Park.
Consider approval to take action regarding Melissa ISD banking accounts.
Remove Loyd Jason Smith as signer from the following banking accounts: General Fund (9167), Payroll Clearing (14928), Debt Service (9506), Construction (17616), and Worker’s Comp (9548).
Remove Brenda Childress as signer from the following banking accounts: General Fund (9167), Payroll Clearing (14928), Debt Service (9506), Construction (17616), and Worker’s Comp (9548).
Add Robert A Rich as signer to the following banking accounts: General Fund (9167), Payroll Clearing (14928), Debt Service (9506), Construction (17616), and Worker’s Comp (9548).
The following person shall remain as signer Rosemary Trevino: General Fund (9167), Payroll Clearing (14928), Debt Service (9506), Construction (17616), and Worker’s Comp (9548).
Closed Session
Section 551.074 Personnel Issues
Personnel discussion
Return to Open Session
Discussion and Possible Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
President Reports
Level II Training
Board of Trustees Dinner with Teachers of the Year and Volunteer of the Year, October 29
Superintendent Reports
Student enrollment update