August 14, 2024 at 9:30 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Determine Quorum and Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Citizens Requesting to Appear Before the Board - non agenda items
4. Discussion and possible action to approve Easement Release for 101 and 103 Airpark Court.
5. Discussion and possible action to Approve Pay Application #1 for Prota, Inc. for S-5 Water Recycling Plant Expansion
6. Discussion and possible action to approve CPR 02 from Prota, Inc. for S-5 Water Recycling Plant Expansion.
7. Discussion and possible action to approve Order adding Land.
8. Discussion and possible action to adopt Master Parks Plan and Resolution Establishing Standards for Recreational Facilities to be Developed by the District.
9. Discussion and possible action to Adopt Resolution Designating an Agent of the Secretary of the Board of Directors During the Defined Area Bond Elections and Operation and Maintenance Tax Elections.
Adoptar una Resolución Designando un Agente del Secretario de la Junta Directiva Durante el Período de la Elecciones de Bonos de Área Definida y las Elecciones del Impuesto de Operación y Mantenimiento |
10. Discussion and possible action to Approve contracting for election services with Travis County;
Aprobar el contrato de servicios electorales con el Condado de Travis;
↵11. Discussion and possible action to Adopt Order Calling Defined Area Bond Elections and Operation and Maintenance Tax Elections;
Adoptar uno Orden para Convocar Elecciones de Bonos de Área Definida y Elecciones de Impuestos de Operación y Mantenimiento;
12. Discussion and possible action Authorize Preparation and Posting of Voter Information Document;
Autorizar la preparación y publicación del document con información para los votantes;
↵13. Discussion and Possible action to Authorize Notice of Election;
Autorizar el Aviso de elección;
14. Discussion and possible action to Adopt Resolution Adopting Voting System; and Authorize posting of early voting and election day roster.
Adoptar una resolución para adoptar un Sistema de votación; y
Autorizar la publicación de la lista de votación anticipada y del día de elección. |
15. Discussion and possible action to approve Engagement Letter with Maxwell Locke & Ritter to perform FY 2024 Financial Audit.
16. Discussion and possible action to approve Hoover Construction Pay App #2 for Capri and Malabar, Phase 2 force main improvements.
17. Discussion and possible action on status of Out of District pressure sewer system for Lakeway Phase 1 & 2 Secs. 1-17.
18. Discussion and possible action on FY 24 Draft Revenue/Expense Budget.
19. Discussion and possible action on GM Report, Financials, Calendar & Expenditures over $25,000.
CONSENT AGENDA - The following consent items may be approved by one Board vote. Any Director may pull consent items from the consent agenda for discussion.
20. Approve minutes from the Regular board meeting on July 17, 2024.