November 10, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Declare a quorum
III. Prayer
IV. Pledge of Allegiance & Honor the Texas Flag
V. Open Forum
VI. Recognition of Guests
VII. New Business
VII.A. Consent Agenda
VII.A.1. Approve $50 Donation to Student Council from the Eagle Press
VII.A.2. Approve $1000 donation to Girls Basketball from A-1 Flooring.
VII.A.3. Approve minutes from October 6th board meeting.
VII.A.4. Approve Jason Garrison as one of the Public Funds Investment officers.
VII.B. Regular Agenda
VII.B.1. Consider an order canvassing a bond election.
VII.B.2. Discuss and possible action on the engagement of the 2021 audit from Kile & CO., P.C.
VII.B.3. Discuss and possible action on the resolution of votes cast to elect directors for Moore county appraisal district for the years of 2022-2023.
VIII. Campus Reports
VIII.A. Elementary Principal
VIII.A.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII.B. Junior High Principal
VIII.B.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII.C. High School Principal
VIII.C.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII.D. Athletic Director
VIII.D.1. Student and Staff Information
IX. District Reports
IX.A. Business Manager
IX.A.1. Monthly Financial Report
IX.B. Superintendent
IX.B.1. District Information
IX.B.1.a. HS parking lot
IX.B.1.b. Passing out turkeys to staff
IX.C. Board President
IX.C.1. Set date(s) for called or regular meetings
X. Adjourn