February 22, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Invocation and Pledge
III. Recognition
IV. Open Forum
V. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
V.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting January 25, 2016 and Regular Meeting January 25, 2016
V.B. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report for January 2016
VI. Consider Interlocal Government Agreement with City of Lacy-Lakeview for Joint Elections
VII. Consider Approval of Charter School Impact Statement
VIII. Consider Approval of 2016-2017 Instructional Calendar
IX. Consider Approval of Sylvan Contract for High School
X. Consider Approval of New High School Campus Communication System Project
XI. Consider Approval of 29 Passenger Bus
XII. Consider Discussion and Approval of TRE Information
XIII. Consider Discussion and Approval of Debt Refunding
XIV. Consider Approval of Engaging Bond Counsel
XV. Consider Approval of Engaging Financial Advisor
XVI. Set Date, Time, and Location for March Regular Board Meeting
XVII. Superintendent's Report
XVII.A. Enrollment/Attendance Report
XVIII. Closed Meeting (Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section §551.072 and §551.074)
XVIII.A. Consider Resignation of Personnel (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XVIII.B. Consider Employment of Personnel (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XVIII.C. Consider Teacher/Employee Resignation and Abandonment of Contract under Texas Government Code 21.105 (c) (Texas Government Code Section §551.074)
XVIII.D. Consider Superintendent's Evaluation (Texas Government Code Section §551.074)
XVIII.E. Consider Extension of Superintendent Contract (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XVIII.F. Consider Superintendent's Compensation (Texas Government Code Section §551.074)
XVIII.G. Consider Extension of Principal, Assistant Principal, Athletic Director and District Administrator's Contracts (Texas Government Code Section §551.074)
XIX. Reconvene From Closed Meeting and Continue with Items for Consideration and Possible Action (Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.102)
XIX.A. Consider Resignation of Personnel (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XIX.B. Consider Employment of Personnel (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XIX.C. Consider and Act on Teacher/Employee Resignation and Abandonment of Contract under Texas Evacuation Code 21.105 (c) (Texas Government Code Section §551.074)
XIX.D. Consider Extension of Superintendent Contract (Texas Government Code §551.074)
XIX.E. Consider Superintendent's Compensation (Texas Government Code Section §551.074)
XIX.F. Consider Extension of Principal, Assistant Principal, Athletic Director and District Administrator's Contracts (Texas Government Code Section §551.074)
XX. Adjournment