June 8, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Welcome and Recognition of Visitors
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Acceptance of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
4.A. Regular Board Minutes , May 11, 2015
5. Presentation(s) - Michael Steck, Superintendent of Schools
5.A. Student of the Month, NISD Elementary
5.B. Staff of the Month, NISD ECC
5.C. Staff of the Month, Maintenance /Transportation Dept.
5.D. Recognition of Campuses for Student Attendance
5.E. Recognition of Campus with Top Staff Attendance
5.F. Recognition of Baseball and Softball - C. Graves
5.G. Recognition of FFA - M. Steck
5.H. Presentation of New Natalia ISD webpage - S. Alaniz
6. Consider and take possible action regarding Child Nutrition Proposal - S. Hill
7. Natalia ISD Wellness Policy Presentation - S. Hill
8. SHAC Annual Report - M. Taylor
9. Consider and take possible action regarding donation from Autism Walk - M. Steck
10. Consider and take possible action regarding Resolution of the Board of Trustees to approve Immediate Implementation Senate Bill 149
11. Consider and take possible action regarding Natalia SRO, MOU
12. Consider and take possible action of the Renewal of Membership in Walsh, Anderson's Retainer Program.
13. Consider and take possible action to approve Board Resolution of the Depository Contract for funds of Independent School District under Texas Education Code, Chapter 45, Subchapter G, School District depositories with Security State Bank for the next biennium September 15, 2015 - August 31, 2017. - C. Garcia
14. Natalia ISD STAAR Preliminary Results Presentation - J. Deans, A. Lopez, D. Garcia, J. Vela
15. Board Update 101 Presentation (1st Reading) - E. Smith
16. Manager Report- (C. Garcia)
16.A. Vouchers and Payments
16.B. Tax Report
16.C. Financial Report
17. Public Comments
18. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board of Trustees will convene in closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 Pursuant to Section 551.071 and 551.074 of Texas Gov’t. Code, deliberations regarding,
18.A. Board will conduct, discuss and consider 2014-2015 Resignations
18.B. Board will conduct, discuss and consider interviewing of Teacher(s)
18.C. Board will conduct, discuss and consider Personnel
18.D. Consider and take possible
action on performance concerns with district principals
19. The Board Returns to Open Session,
19.A. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding 2014-2015 Resignations
19.B. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding hiring of Teacher(s)
19.C. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Personnel
19.D. Consider and Take Possible Action regarding performance concerns with
district principals
20. Announcements
20.A. July 6, 2015 - July 23, 2015 : NISD Summer Business hours of Operation - 7:30 - 4:30p.m., closed on Fridays
20.B. San Antonio – June 11 -13 2015,
Fort Worth – June 18 – June 20, 2015:Summer Leadership Institute
20.C. July 13, 2015 Regular Board Meeting
20.D. Wimberly "Gift Card Drive"
20.E. Tuesday, June 16, 2015 @ 6:00p.m.Team of 8 Meeting at Office of Academic and Pupil Services
21. Adjournment