April 14, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge
of Allegiance, Prayer,
Welcome and Recognition of Visitors
2. Roll
Call, Establish Quorum
3. Acceptance of Agenda
4. Presentation(s)
Guillermo Mancha, Jr.-Superintendent of Schools
4.A. March Student of the Month - Natalia High School, Abigail Padilla
4.B. March Teacher of the Month - Natalia Jr. High, Ilyan Martinez
4.C. March Staff of the Month - Natalia Elementary, Martha McCulloch
5. Public Comments
6. Interquest K-9 Presentation
6.A. Services
6.B. Drug Detection/ Prevention
7. Consider and take possible
action regarding NHS Band Uniforms and Instruments 2014-2015
- S. Mendez |
7.A. Recognition of NHS Soloists Presentation
8. Approval of Minutes
8.A. March 17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting
8.B. March 31, 2014 Special Board Meeting
9. Business Manager Report - S. Mendez
9.A. Vouchers and Payments
9.B. Tax Report
9.C. Financial Report
10. NHS Senior and Scholarship Presentation - M. Alaniz
11. NISD 2014-2015 Calendar - A. Flores
12. Consider and take possible
action regarding NISD Prescribed Graduation Plan(s) - A. Flores
13. Consider and take possible action regarding Elementary Asphalt Bid - R. Morales
14. Consider and take possible action regarding TASB Update 99
15. Consider and take possible action regarding NISD Summer Hours - G. Mancha
15.A. Most Campuses & Departments
15.B. June 9 - August 8, 2014
15.C. Monday - Thursday
15.D. 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
15.E. NISD Closed June 30 - July 3, 2014
16. NISD State of the District Presentation - G. Mancha
17. Executive Session: The Board of Trustees will convene in closed session
pursuant to Texas Government Code,
Chapter 551 Pursuant
to Section 551.071
and 551.074 of Texas Govt. Code, deliberations regarding,
17.A. The
Board will conduct, discuss and consider High School Principal Position
17.B. The Board will conduct, discuss, and consider NISD 2014-2015 Contract Recommendations
17.C. Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government
Code, consultation with the District's
attorney concerning legal issues and procedural issues related to fourth year probationary contract(s)
17.D. Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code, consider and discuss recommendation to place certified teacher(s) on a fourth year probationary contract(s).
18. Action Items: The Board returns
to Open Session
18.A. The Board will consider and take possible
action regarding High School Principal Position
18.B. The Board will consider and take possible action regarding NISD 2014-2015 Contract Recommendations
18.C. Consider and take possible action regarding Superintendent's recommendation regarding providing
a fourth year probationary contract
for certified teacher(s) for the 2014- 15 school year.
19. Future Agenda Items
20. Announcements:
20.A. April 21 - 25 STAAR /TAKS Testing
20.B. May 5 - 9, 2014 STAAR EOC
20.C. May Regular Board Meeting, May 12, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
20.D. May 13 - 14 5th & 8th Grade Reading/Math RETEST
20.E. May 15, 2014 @ 7:00p.m. NHS Band Spring Concert
20.F. May 18, 2014 Good Friday Holiday
20.G. May 23, 2014 No School
20.H. May 26, 2014 Memorial Day Holiday
21. Adjournment