February 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Open Forum
Campus Reports
Athletic Director's Report
Consideration and Approval of Joint Election Agreement between the Palmer Independent School District and the participating Political Subdivisions and Ellis County. (Action)
Consideration and Approval of Palmer ISD Election Order and Notice for Board of Trustee Election for May 2, 2020 Election. (Action)
Consideration and Approval of New Furniture Proposal for High School. (Action)
Consideration and Approval of Campus Level Threat Assessment Committees. (Action)
Consent Agenda (Action)
Minutes from January 13, 2020 Regular Meeting
Minutes from January 13, 2020 Special Meeting
Financial, Budget Reports, Amendments
Discuss Check List
Superintendent's Report
Discuss Enrollment Numbers
District Update
Consideration and Approval of Athletic Director's Contract. (Action)
Consideration and Approval of Administrator Contracts. (Action)
Consider resignations, assignments, reassignments or other personnel matters.(Action)