April 22, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum, and Call to Order
2. Notice of Meeting: This meeting has been posted in Accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open meetings Act.
4. Informational Items
4.A. Presentation Honoring Llano High School, Abby Machuga
4.B. Recognition of Llano High School Student, Heath Buttery, National Merit Scholar
4.C. Presentation by Llano High School Student, Juna Glasscock
4.D. Report on Status of Required School Board Trustee Training as Mandated by Education Code Section 11.159
5. Administrative Reports
5.A. Superintendent
5.A.1. Update on 2019 Bond and Presentations
5.A.2. Enrollment
5.B. Chief Financial Officer
5.B.1. Financial Reports
5.B.2. Current Investment Report
5.B.3. Current Tax Collection Report
5.B.4. Current List of Bills
5.C. Principal, Llano High School
5.D. Principal, Llano Junior High School
5.E. Principal, Llano Elementary School
5.F. Principal, Packsaddle Elementary School
5.G. Director, Alternative Education
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Budget Amendments
6.B. Board Meeting Minutes
7. Action Items
7.A. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution to Extend Term of Bank Depository for 2019-2021
7.B. Discuss and Consider Approval of Bid for Purchase of White Fleet Vehicle
7.C. Discussion and Possible Action on 2014 Bond Purchases
7.D. Discussion and Possible Approval of a District-wide Student Information System & Business Software Provider
7.E. Discuss and Consider Approval of District Professional Development Stipend Policy
7.F. Low Attendance Waiver
7.G. Certification of the 2019 Textbook Adoption
7.H. Discussion of Future Board Meeting Date(s)
8. CLOSED SESSION - The Board will adjourn to closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074, 551.071 and 551.129 to deliberate and consider the following:
8.A. Recommendations Regarding Employment
8.B. Resignation of Employee(s)
9. OPEN SESSION - Return to open session and take necessary action on matters which the Board may discuss in closed session and upon which action may be taken.
9.A. Discussion and Possible Action regarding Employment
9.B. Discussion and Possible Action regarding Resignations